"Giants Fall" Hannah Green, PG-13

Jul 16, 2010 19:47

Title: Giants Fall
Author: tjs_whatnot
Fandom: Wonder Boys
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Bit of cursing and mention of drug use
Prompt: #145 Besides learning to see, there is another art to be learned -- not to see what is not. -- Maria Mitchell (1818-1889), American astronomer and professor.
Summary: In one long weekend, Hannah realizes that it was never the person, it was the stories they told.
Author's Notes: Written for 2010's femgenficathonThank you so much lelek for the beta and for being my other half in this fandom of two. All remaining mistakes are my own.

Giants Fall

titles a-l, character: hannah green, author: tjs_whatnot, femgen 2010, fandom: wonder boys

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