veronica mars recs

Sep 23, 2007 10:57

- Northern Stars and Air Pressure (Veronica/Mac) by sexonastick
This should be Veronica's first big clue; Mac has been practicing this.
this story is perfectly in character and in voice - funny, snarky and sweet.

- Veronica Mars Is My Secret Girlfriend (And Other Lies You Tell Yourself) (Mac/Veronica) by maybedarkpink
You’re a blue haired bi computer wiz, and you used to doodle all over your notebooks, Veronica Mars is my secret girlfriend, until you’d tear the paper to pieces trying to erase the lie away.
nice, short piece with a good Mac voice.

- Where Steel And Water Collide (Mac/Veronica) by soundingsea
On the road with Veronica, Mac looks for answers and finds questions.
great post season 2 what-if that gives the heavy-handed darkness and desolation of that era of canon a believable voice and weight.

- glum olitory obfuscate gazebo (Mac/Madison, Mac/Veronica) by soundingsea
A certain Mountain View company turns America into a technofascist dystopia. Mac's fighting back with the 21st century's most under-rated weapon: spam.
well thought through and worked out distopian concept fic with just the right amount of cyberpunk touches. great Mac voice and some interesting thoughts on Veronica.

- Five Things You Never Did With Lilly Kane, but Kind of Wish You Hade (Mac/Lilly) by ijemanja
You never had a sleepover at Lilly Kane's house.
an odd pairing that is made to work perfectly.

- The Finest Movies of Gina Gershon (Veronica/Meg) by callmesandy
It's a caper, not a date. Probably.
oah. so sweet and charming and really very awesome.

veronica mars

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