[AND NOW COMES THE SOUND OF someone hitting themselves. repeatedly.]felltohateAugust 27 2009, 07:04:01 UTC
[ OOC: dfgdlsfjgklsdfjgdsklj SORRY ABOUT THAT. I... completely forgot about this. 8( 8( 8( I CAN STILL ADD YOUR PERSONAL JOURNAL IF MY FAIL DIDN'T SCARE YOU AWAY, though I don't use mine much. It's jackatlas!
I'll get to that log after I make a post. Just. I'm really sorry I took forever to respond to you. ]
[A REPEAT AND MORE?]felltohateSeptember 2 2009, 12:33:27 UTC
[ OOC. SOB, I actually... forgot about it again after that. I have a derpy memory for those kinds of things, which is why I never survived playing in damned.
No, no. That's cool, the tagging the direct comment is kind of cluttery, so. /headdesk. BUT ANYWAY SINCE I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING I CAN RESPOND NOW IF YOU DON'T like. Hate me forever? Though I need to go within the next hour or so. ]
[WITH THE MOST FAIL.]felltohateSeptember 8 2009, 00:00:16 UTC
[ obb. ;_; I DID IT NOW. ... I like how we just keep spamming this entry, it's kinda lulsy. Sorry it's so short, but yeah. D8; Not much to do when they're just looking for each other. The failures. ]
You can't be a little happier about it?
When are you free?
Tomorrow morning.
I'll see you then.
( OOC: Assume? Or, like - we could log it, only majorly backdated. :D; Pft. )
( OOC: UHH. I'm savvy with however you want to do it, or whatever's easier for you, etc., etc., etc.. 8D )
( OOC: I actually would really love to do a log; I don't even know why. But I can set it up tomorrow? When I have more time. )
Sure, a log sounds fine! /belated forever ]
I'll get to that log after I make a post. Just. I'm really sorry I took forever to respond to you. ]
As for the log ... Sorry for not tagging your direct comment. :D; But you can always track it so you know when I've made a reply. )
No, no. That's cool, the tagging the direct comment is kind of cluttery, so. /headdesk. BUT ANYWAY SINCE I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING I CAN RESPOND NOW IF YOU DON'T like. Hate me forever? Though I need to go within the next hour or so. ]
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