FIC: Out of Exile (SB/VM, G)

Jan 26, 2007 12:53

Title: Out of Exile
Author: Galadriel (caras_galadhon)
Pairing: Bean/Viggo
Rating: G
Archive: Lothlorien, sons_of_gondor, and Green Opals.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Disclaimer: Absolutely did not happen. Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Summary: On the heels of his first round of laser treatment to remove his Fellowship tattoo, Sean receives a phone call from someone unexpected.
Notes: A drabble, following directly from Out of Sight and Out of Mind. Unlike Out of Time (the alternate ending to this tale), this is the version of the story that I originally intended to write. Many thanks to savageseraph for giving it a quick once over and proclaiming it ready to fly.

Reminder: This drabble follows directly on the heels of Out of Mind, not Out of Time. The latter is essentially another possibility, the flipside of this coin, if you will, but does not inhabit the same timeline as the story you're reading now.

("Yeah. It's me.")

g, sean b/viggo

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