
Sep 05, 2019 11:38

I made this thing friends-only, because the coy, smirking anonymous nonsense was becoming every bit as charming as being poked with a stranger's boner on the subway.

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Comments 11

anonymous September 5 2019, 18:36:01 UTC
Truth is I've been reading you silently for over a decade. I opened my big mouth a few weeks ago trying to be cute, and that backfired. Sincerest of apologies if I caused any distress. I'll put my boner away.


felisdemens September 5 2019, 18:45:47 UTC
Less you (I'm guessing), and more a scant handful of other anons offering bon(er)s mot. Cumulative effect.


anonymous September 24 2019, 02:47:02 UTC
You made your page private, yet I still have this one post as a vector to poke you with a pointed stick. Therefore, you must like my jackassery on some level. It's really too bad because I liked reading you and I miss it. Yet I'm just too darn lazy to make my very own LJ. Woe.


felisdemens September 27 2019, 00:15:04 UTC
That's... not how anything works? However if you want to read me there's a few avenues available to you - provided you're willing to give up anonymity. *shrug*


anonymous February 9 2020, 21:30:30 UTC
Six months on and still private... Le sigh.


felisdemens February 10 2020, 00:58:44 UTC
It's a rough old life, innit?


anonymous February 12 2020, 18:20:53 UTC
It's not too late to change your mind. I promise I'll behave.


felisdemens February 12 2020, 22:27:46 UTC
Nah. You're suggesting I change my decision... for what benefit, exactly? My previous statement still stands; there's other ways to read me, if you're that motivated.


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