Title: This is My Tune For the Taking (A timestamp for
The Doors of Time)
felisblancoPairing: Jensen/Jared. Mentions past Jared/Sandy
Wordcount: 2700
Rating: G
Summary:He reaches for the doorknob but pauses at the last moment. There are lines that Jensen expects him not to cross. Lines they’ve never talked about but Jared knows are there just the
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Comments 87
I haven't read this yet, but I know I luv u for writing it. Anything that gives me another chance to add to my Doors of Time experience is like a big slice of cheesecake and a glass of wine at the end of a hard day- mouthwatering, stress relieving and slightly erotic, so therefor I luv u.
I love the idea that they love each other so much there is nothing that can change that. I know to some that might seem ... too co-dependent or something, but in this story I find it makes my heart very happy. I also think it was crappy of Jared to let someone into Jensen's world without asking first - especially Sandy. But I like that - I like that Jared isn't perfect. People in relationships hurt each other all the time without meaning to - it part of being human and makes the characters more realistic to me.
So, uh, yeah, I did like it. *giggles*
And Happy belated Birthday, hun. *hugs*
I love the whole verse, and this little chapter fits so nicely, and I really hope, like Jared, that things will work out!
I think Sandy will always think Jensen's a little weird, but I loved his reaction to her being in the room, his discussion with Jared, and then the way he tries to reach Sandy by using her terminology to describe himself. It's like he's forgiving her, and trying to let her in to his world a bit, build bridges and give her the chance to see him.
Thank you for sharing this!
I think that, just as Sandy will always be wary of Jensen, Jensen will always feel guilty when it comes to Sandy. After all he did in a way take Jared away from her, even if it might be argued that she kept Jared from Jensen to begin with. It's a tricky situation, starting a new relationship on the still breathing wreckage of an old one. Plus, he's very well aware of what Jared has given up for him, moving to New York where he doesn't know anyone except Jensen and his friends, leaving his own friends behind. Of course Jared doesn't see it as a sacrifice but that's beside the point. So yeah, Jensen wants to do his best to keep Jared happy. And that means reconciling his differences with Sandy, however difficult that might be for him personally.
Ooops, that got long and rambly. lol
I'm curious, are you going to work the timestamps into the published version too?
Most of those I won't work in, no, simply because the story has gotten so long already and fitting them in would mean having to fill in so much more around them. I think I'll use the one about his first night Inside but other than that I don't know. Frankly, I don't really know how the epilogue will turn out. I think it will change quite a bit so maybe some things will end up in it. Or not. Who knows.
Ps. Glad you liked the music.
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