Five SPN drabbles

Jan 07, 2007 13:49

Ok, five more of these. One left and since it got so long it will be posted on its own. Anyway, enjoy!

for nimenic. Icon by clouds_of_white. 100 words. Wincest.
This one derives from a conversation the boys had in The Weirdness Of Normal but can stand on its own.

Past Sins

Whenever they drive through the red-light districts of any town, passing the rows of prostitutes lined up like meat on hooks, Sam feels a lump in his throat and a tightening in his chest that has little to do with the miserable display and everything to do with the stiffening of Dean’s shoulders and the thin line of his lips. Sam never knows what to say so he keeps quiet, breathing out silently when the last whore disappears in the rearview mirror.

They’ve never mentioned it again but still it clings to every dollar bill Dean pulls from his pockets.

"Грехи прошлого" (Russian translation by wayward_jr)

Всякий раз, когда они проезжают через квартал красных фонарей, мимо шлюх, выставленных как мясо на крюках, у Сэма перехватывает дыхание, а в горле застревает комок. Но не от жалкого зрелища вокруг, а от напряженных плеч Дина и тонкой линии его сжатых губ. Сэм не знает, что сказать, поэтому всегда молчит и тихо выдыхает, когда последняя проститутка скрывается в зеркале заднего вида.

Они об этом больше не говорили, но каждый доллар, что Дин вынимает из кармана, кажется липким.

for siberian_skys. Icon by lostmemento. 100 words. Wincest

"Today I Got Strangled And My Brother Was Thrown Into A Wall. It Was The Best Day Ever!"

Ok, it’s not like Dean’s jealous. Really, that would be ridiculous. He’s not, like, insane or anything. But a man has his needs, you know? And when they’re not being met? He gets cranky.

See, he’s a simple man. Favorite food? Burger and fries. Drink? Beer. Past time? Sammy. On his knees or his back or even bottoms up. Dean’s not picky. As long as Sam’s naked, it’s all good.

And right now? He’s not naked. And what’s worse, he’s ignoring Dean! Now Dean’s a patient man, but there are limits. And enough is enough.

That Livejournal is going down.

for animebooklover. Icon by _adhara. 100 words. Wincest. Spoilers for 201.

All My Dreams Are Fading

The sun is beating down on them, warming the slightly chilly October air. Underneath Dean’s palms the Impala’s hood is hot, the engine still ticking quietly as it slowly cools down.

Was a time this was all he wanted. His car, the open road and his brother by his side. These were the kind of moments they snuck off to have, free from John’s watchful eyes. Just Dean and Sam and wet lips on warm skin.

Now there’s no one to hide from anymore but then again there’s nothing to hide either. And isn't that just the epitome of irony?

"Все мои мечты рассыпались в прах" (Ru8ssian translation by wayward_jr)

Солнце ярко светит, согревая прохладный октябрьский воздух. Под ладонью Дина горячий капот Импалы, двигатель едва слышно тикает, остывая.

Было время, когда он мечтал лишь об этом. Детка, прямая дорога и брат рядом. Это были те краткие мгновения, когда они умудрялись улизнуть от зорких глаз Джона. Лишь Дин, Сэм и влажные губы на теплой коже.

Теперь больше не от кого прятаться, но, с другой стороны, и прятать тоже стало нечего. Это ли не настоящая насмешка судьбы?

for azure_k_mello Her own icon. 200 words.


John stands over the narrow bed, watching his boys sleep. Dean's right hand rests on little Sammy’s belly, dried tear-tracks streaking his stubborn face. Every time Sammy sighs or mumbles Dean shifts closer, ink-stained fingers grasping for hold on the worn t-shirt serving as Sammy’s sleepwear.

Not even two months in school and already Dean’s been called to the principal office five times and sent home at least once a week. They call him difficult. Troubled. There’s talk about ADHD and Ritalin and John smashes his fist into the counselor’s desk.

John knows exactly what’s wrong. He can see it in the fear coloring Dean’s eyes every time he has to leave Sammy in the arms of Mrs. Rinez, Sammy’s cries following Dean all the way to the school bus. It’s in the trembling of Dean’s lips as he watches the other children kiss their mother’s goodbye. It’s the guilt he feels for sitting in school, learning what to him seem useless things, instead of being home, helping his dad sort the ammo.

It’s in Dean's evident relief when he finally gets back home and finds Sammy waiting for him. Crying and wet and still not talking. But alive.

for crazyjoyfulgirl, icon by exsequar, manip by mkitty_03. 100 words. Wincest

Yours For The Taking

Dean had forgotten Sam could be so… forceful. He can’t help wondering if Sam was like this with Jess or if it’s something he kept under lock for those four years. Probably, since if anything he’s even more aggressive now than before.

Dean carries scrapes from walls and concrete floors like brands of ownership on his skin. Teeth marks decorate his neck and shoulders, fingerprints sign Sammy’s name on his hips. Every part of his body is obsessively claimed as Sam’s possession and Dean gives it all freely.

He’d offer his heart on a plate if Sam only wanted it.

"Только твой" (Russian translation by wayward_jr)

Дин и забыл, что Сэм может быть таким... жестким. Интересно, с Джесс было так же? Или же Сэм сдерживался все эти годы? Скорее второе, сейчас он гораздо агрессивнее, чем раньше.

Царапины от стен и бетонных полов на спине Дина горят тавром на коже. Следы зубов украшают плечи и спину, отпечатки пальцев выписывают имя Сэма на бедрах. Сэм одержим телом брата; считает его своей собственностью, а Дин не может ему отказать.

Он бы предложил свое сердце на тарелке, если бы Сэм только захотел.

tv: supernatural, translations: russian, icondrabbles, drabbles, fic 2007, pairing: sam/dean, spn drabbles

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