Well, hello there.

Jun 18, 2013 13:23

I should be working on my MA story, which of course means I'm surfing the internet and looking at pretty pics of pretty boys. I'd feel bad except... well, they're just so pretty. And I still have a year left to finish it. So... *shrugs ( Read more... )


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Comments 17

sarahblack June 18 2013, 14:33:56 UTC
Tell me about your time in the Buffy/AtS fandom!


felisblanco June 18 2013, 15:01:37 UTC
The good old days. lol

Well, a friend of mr Felis introduced us to Buffy and we got completely hooked. I discovered fanfiction completely by accident (on Hugi) and spent a year reading, first Spuffy and Bangel before discovering the ultimate OTP, Spangel! Then decided to try my own hand at it. I posted to a Yahoo group since I wasn't on LJ then and got mostly good reviews. Met some great people there who lead me to LJ and soon I was staying up all night writing and reading. I honestly posted almost every other day. I felt guilty if I didn't post at least three times a week. My former self would be appalled by my present self. lol
I remember I had about 14 people on my flist and we had so much fun. Man, the porn, it was hardcore. No taboos. Well, not among us, which is why we started a locked community, sickchicks, where anything was allowed. Even RPS! *gasps* Which was like THE biggest taboo back then. Funny how that changed. lol ( ... )


sarahblack June 18 2013, 15:17:33 UTC
Thanks for writing such a thought out response! I've always been a bit curious about your fandom background and this has really answered some of my questions.

I do hope you manage to finish your WIPs in the Buffy fandom, but mostly because I think you would like the closure. :)

As for the commenting... It's so much easier to just post your own entries and then read everything else. I think a lot of people do that, and it's making us all think that LJ is empty when it totally isn't! It's just a bit quieter. :P

Maybe it has something to do with us all growing up a bit? More maturity = more thinking before commenting. And thinking, as we all know, is hard.


felisblanco June 18 2013, 15:30:34 UTC
Feel free to ask more if you still have questions. :)

I also think it might have something to do with new and less demanding media like Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Less demanding as in all you really have to do to be active is like or reblog other people's entries and maybe write short comments every now and then. It's a lot less effort which again comes back to yes, less thinking. And we're dividing our time between all these medias instead of just having LJ and our email before to distract us. So we're spending more and more time online while communicating less and less. :(


gileswench June 18 2013, 15:09:44 UTC
For some damn reason the only question I can think of is: what is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Oh! I thought of another!

How's the winged penis doing? Still wearing it?


felisblanco June 18 2013, 15:21:11 UTC
African or European swallow?

"The airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles per hour*, beating its wings 7-9 times per second (rather than 43). But please note that a 5 ounce bird cannot carry a one pound coconut.

*Based upon published species-wide averages of wing length and body mass, initial Strouhal estimates based on those averages and cross-species comparisons, the Lund wind tunnel study of birds flying at a range of speeds, and revised Strouhal numbers based on that study gives an estimate that the average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles per hour."
From hereOh man, I was actually reminiscing about the winged penis with hubby only yesterday! Alas, I lost it a couple of years ago. *hangs head in shame* I hung up adverts in all the places I had been that day but whoever found it was obviously not ready to part with the winged penis, which I can understand. But I have seldom been as sad to lose anything as that pin ( ... )


gileswench June 18 2013, 15:26:32 UTC
Question 1: I guess you have to know those things when you're a kind, don't you?

Question 2: It's disappointing, but I choose to hope it is giving another person pleasure... and take that however you wish, m'dear. Please don't feel guilty. I'm just glad it made you happy while it was with you.

(smooches you a lot)


matchboximpala June 18 2013, 15:23:31 UTC
Have you ever accidentally dated a cousin? I heard about this App the other day and thought of you! (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/18/accidental-incest-app-iceland_n_3114065.html)


felisblanco June 18 2013, 15:39:11 UTC

Not dated but kissed/made out with, although not by accident. ;)

It's funny how that app became known worldwide as a tool of preventing incest when really it is about our need as a tiny nation to know how every single person we meet is connected to us because we are obsessed with our ancestry and family history. The app is based on a website that holds the familial connection of every single person born in Iceland (and those born abroad if there are records) which means I can look up my ancestors all the way back to the first vikings who settled here. I think every one of us is connected in some way, the only question is how far back you have to go. Most people don't have to go further than seven generations, simply because we are a tiny nation (around 320.000) and don't have to go far back in history to reduce our numbers to just five digits. So yes, even if I'm sure there are people who use it as a dating tool to prevent having weird babies most people are just naturally nosy. :)


matchboximpala June 19 2013, 02:39:35 UTC
I think that is fantastic.


takola June 18 2013, 15:54:41 UTC
When can we hope to see this monster fic you've been working on? Can you give a little information about it? Pairing and summary and perhaps a little on the writing process for you? How did the idea come to you and was writing it difficult?

Sorry that's more than one question! :)


felisblanco June 18 2013, 16:09:52 UTC
We're finishing up some art work but the plan is to post before the end of the month. *crosses fingers*

Well, I don't want to give too much away. :) Let's see, it's Jared/Jensen AU. Jared is in college, Jensen is an artist working part time in the local coffee shop. He has PTSD as a result of some horrible sexual abuse he went through as a kid. Jared is himself fleeing his fanatically religious family. Basically, this is heavy stuff and I will warn accordingly.

It was actually very hard to write at times. I have been working on and off on this for a little over three years, it was supposed to be a little light writing exercise and ended up being over 100.000 words. lol There will be some extensive author's notes so I don't want to repeat everything I say there here but I hope this satisfies some.


candygramme June 18 2013, 16:48:39 UTC
I'm always useless at asking interesting questions, so feel free to be bored, but I'm interested in your process. When you write a huge story, how do you go about it? Do you plot it through from start to finish or establish a beginning and an end and then fill in the middle, and do you write in a straight line from the start, or in clumps that grow to meet each other. How much editing do you have to do, and what kind of research? Tell me it all!

*chin hands*


felisblanco June 18 2013, 20:19:48 UTC
You know, I don't think I've ever plotted a story beforehand. That's probably why I have such a huge folder of unfinished fic. lol ( ... )


felisblanco June 18 2013, 20:20:28 UTC
Which brings us to the research. At first I didn't really need to do much research apart from being familiar with the shows or remember the interior of an Impala and stuff like that, I just focused on making the characters feel real. That was my only goal, bringing them to life, making them believable. Until I wrote In a Mirror Distorted and Indistinct. It started out innocently enough but then I realised I had taken on something that was far beyond my knowledge and it was with a subject I really couldn't fuck up because this is so many people's reality. So yeah, that needed a lot of research and I was terribly nervous about posting it. But because I did put in a lot of research I somehow managed to pull it off. To get feedback from people who struggle with that same thing and they thank me for doing it right, that is incredibly rewarding. And quite humbling actually ( ... )


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