Title: The Road Less Traveled
Pairing/Characters: 'Ambrose', 'Lavender Eyes', Ahamo, Wyatt Cain, 'Adora' Cain; 'Lavender Eyes'/Ahamo, Wyatt/'Adora'/'Ambrose'
Rating: G
Fandom: Tin Man
Word Count: 2,143
Spoilers: Whole miniseries
Summary: It's time to take out the Sorceress!
Notes/Warnings: AU!
lionille wrote
The Curious Case of the Mysteriously Missing
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Comments 2
"Not if she didn't remember me," Zero taunted, the smirk still in place.
Glitch slowly moved forward out of the shadows. Her expression was unreadable for once: brown eyes shuttered and blank as she stared at the Longcoat. "Even though I don't remember you, I'd still kick your ass if I were given a chance."
"Bitch," Zero spat.
"Ass," she retorted, looking, just for a moment, like the woman Wyatt had fallen in love with. -- *Snicker* And Zero's bad week just got worse.
But poor Jeb *Sigh* They're going to be in family counseling for a while.
And I like the metaphor you came up with the describe the Viewer-forged connection between Glitch and Amber Rose in the tank.
Not necessarily. *smirk*
Thanks! It came to me as I was writing.
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