Title: The Road Less Traveled
Pairing/Characters: 'Ambrose', 'Lavender Eyes', Ahamo, Wyatt Cain, 'Adora' Cain; 'Lavender Eyes'/Ahamo, Wyatt/'Adora'/'Ambrose'
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Tin Man
Word Count: 1,622
Spoilers: Whole miniseries
Summary: A lot happens during the first ten annuals of Jeb's life.
Notes/Warnings: AU!
lionille wrote
The Curious Case of the Mysteriously Missing Lady-in-Waiting In Training and
andrealyn wrote
The Path Not Taken and the two fics together gave me the idea of writing a fic where Ambrose/Glitch is born a woman and stays one. *grin*
Beta and plot-hole-poker:
umbralilliumSounding board:
unicorn_catcherPrevious Chapter(s): 1.
Rocky Beginning, 2.
Smoothing the Way, 3.
Hidden Bumps, 4.
Getting Over the Bumps, 5.
Roadwork Ahead!, 6.
Repairing the Road, 7.
Good Road, 8.
Hairpin Bend, 9.
At a Crossroads, 10.
Choosing a Road, 11.
Changing Direction, 12.
The New Journey Begins, 13.
Dip in the Road, 14.
Surprise Detour, 15.
Detour Becomes a new Road, 16.
Idyllic Travels, 17.
Abrupt Halt The Road Less Traveled
18. Broken Road
An annual later found Amber Rose in the Palace Infirmary once more. This time, Wyatt and Adair were on either side of her, encouraging her and reassuring her that she was doing fine. "I can see the head, Amber Rose. Just one more push." Straining, Amber Rose did just that, collapsing back against the pillows when she felt the baby slide out and into the medico's waiting hands. Tears sprang to her eyes the moment a wavering cry filled the room. "It's a boy! You have a son."
After what seemed like an eternity, the baby was in her arms and she gasped as he fed for the first time. "Oh, he's perfect."
"Just like his mother," Adair commented, kissing the top of her head.
"I'm a mess." She smiled tiredly up at him, forgetting all the discomfort and pain of the pregnancy and labor in the joys of motherhood.
Wyatt kissed her temple. "A beautiful mess."
"Now you're teasing," she laughed softly, her eyes drooping as the strain of labor finally caught up with her.
Deftly, Wyatt took the baby from her arms. "Sleep now, Sweetheart. We'll tell the others."
"Yes, introduce them to Jeb," she agreed sleepily, snuggling into her pillows.
Adair kissed her cheek. "Just sleep, Precious."
She was asleep before the door had even clicked shut behind her husbands.
* * *
Jeb was three annuals old when a bad flu kept the Cain-Walker family from traveling to Finaqua with the Royal Family. "We're very sorry about this, Ahamo."
"It's quite all right, Wyatt," the King Consort assured the Tin Man. "If Jeb is too sick to travel, then he's too sick to travel."
Wyatt nodded, his heart clenching at the thought of his son so sick. Normally a bright, curious child, Jeb had grown pale and languorous as his illness had progressed. Now, he was confined to his bed in the nursery, light brown curls clinging to his sweat-damp forehead, brown eyes bright with fever rather than his customary curiosity. "Would the Queen like Amber Rose to go at least?"
"No, a mother's place is with her sick child," Ahamo quickly responded. "I doubt Amber Rose would agree to the idea anyway."
The Tin Man nodded again. "I felt it best to ask anyway."
"For future reference, don't ask at all." The King Consort's eyes gleamed with humor for a moment. "Just make sure Jeb gets well, okay?"
"Of course."
* * *
By the time the Royal Family returned from Finaqua, Jeb was well into his recovery from the flu. Late one night, several moons after their return, Amber Rose and her husbands were awakened by frantic knocking on the cottage door. "That can't be good."
"Of course it isn't, Darling," Wyatt retorted as they scrambled from the bed and into their dressing gowns. "It's the middle of the night."
Hurt flashed briefly in Adair's eyes and Amber Rose took a moment to kiss his cheek. "He's always grumpy when he gets up in the middle of the night."
"I am not!" Wyatt growled with a glare.
She glanced at her other husband with a smirk. "See?"
"Yes, Precious." Adair was smiling now.
Amber Rose hurried to the front door, opening it to find a familiar figure swathed in a cloak on the porch, Dortheagael held protectively in front of her. "Your Majesty."
"Don't curtsey," Violetta quickly commanded her friend as she entered the sitting room. "No one must know that I am here."
The Royal Advisor closed the door behind the Queen as Wyatt and Adair entered the sitting room from the bedroom. "What is it? Has something happened?"
"Azkadellia killed DG," Violetta explained, pushing back the hood of her cloak. All three adults gasped when they saw the Queen's hair. It had faded from its vibrant black to pale silver. "I was able to bring her back, but she is no longer safe here in the O.Z."
Wyatt scratched his head. "What do you want us to do, then?"
"Are the nurture units ready?" the Queen addressed Amber Rose, ignoring him for the moment.
The Royal Advisor nodded, her heart heavy as she realized that the Queen had been correct to make the preparations that she had. "Yes. Everything is ready."
"What's going on?" Adair demanded, striding forward. "What are nurture units?"
Amber Rose explained even as her eyes dropped to the Princess huddled in her mother's arms. "Cyborgs designed and programmed to be loving parents for a child who has lost his or hers."
"Or must be raised in secret," Violetta added, drawing her hood up once more. "We must be careful. This is proof of what I feared."
With that, she and Dortheagael disappeared from the cottage. Wyatt and Adair turned to their wife, questions in their eyes. "You've noticed the change in Azkadellia, I'm sure." Both men nodded. The elder Princess, once so warm and kind, had become cool and aloof. Her remarks were often cutting and cruel, especially towards Dorotheagael and Jeb. "Violetta told me that Azkadee and DG went exploring in the woods without supervision one day. They returned separately, DG in tears and Azkadee as she is now." Amber Rose trembled as she finished her explanation, grieving for the young Princess. "She believes Azkadee has been possessed by an evil spirit that's known to haunt one of the caves there."
"What can we do?" Adair asked as he and Wyatt each wrapped an arm around Amber Rose, their other arms automatically wrapping around each other.
She shook her head, closing her eyes. "From dreams she's had about this, Violetta believes the only person with the strength to save Azkadee is DG."
"But she's sending DG away!" Adair protested, sounding frustrated. "How will that save Az?"
Amber Rose sighed softly. "DG is too young right now. She needs a chance to grow up."
"Didn't the Queen say DG wasn't safe in the O.Z.?" It sounded like Wyatt was frowning.
She nodded this time, swallowing several times before she could reply. "Yes. She's sending DG to the Other Side."
* * *
Jeb was six annuals old when Azkadellia began forming a power base to overthrow the Queen. As the reports on her numbers and activities grew increasingly grim and threatening, Amber Rose insisted that Wyatt and Adair take Jeb and raise him somewhere far from the Palace. "What about you, Sweetheart?"
"My place is here, Wyatt," she replied, resting her hand over his heart to feel the strong beat. "I am the Royal Advisor. I cannot abandon the Queen now."
Adair's expression was grim as he covered her hand with his. "We'll stay with you. We can't leave you to be captured alone."
"No." She shook her head, swallowing hard. She'd known this would be difficult. "If you stay, Jeb will be captured, too. I don't want to think of what Azkadee would do to him."
Wyatt and Adair glanced at each other for a moment before looking back at Amber. "We can send Jeb to stay at the ranch with my family. They'd care for him like he was their own."
"Please, Wyatt, Adair." She looked from one to the other, resting her free hand over Adair's heart now. "Jeb needs two of his parents at least. I'll find you when this is all over."
Adair gazed intently into her eyes. "Promise?"
"I promise." She held his gaze for a moment before looking at Wyatt. "Both of you. We'll be together again."
Unable to articulate the emotions in his heart, Wyatt pulled Amber Rose into a hungry kiss. She responded with a moan, gasping when Adair pressed against her back, sweeping her hair to one side to kiss her neck. The gods alone know when we'll see each other again...
* * *
Jeb was just ten annuals old when the Longcoats found the three of them in a small cottage off the Brick Route. Wyatt had quickly become a leader in the Resistance once Azkadellia--now calling herself the Sorceress--took power and, thus, a target for the Longcoats in their efforts to stamp out any opposition to the Sorceress. It was no surprise to Wyatt that Zero led the squad that attacked them. It was just like the man to pursue a vendetta years after it had grown old.
Though all three of them fought hard, the Longcoats overwhelmed them through sheer numbers. They were shackled together as an iron suit was prepared. Zero taunted them as his men worked, "You should feel special, Cain. Few Resistance members get such a punishment."
"I'll try not to let it go to my head," Wyatt answered dryly, his skin itching where the blood had dried.
"It's a pity your slut isn't here with you," Zero commented almost idly.
Adair and Wyatt both glared at the Longcoat, struggling against their bonds. Jeb only looked confused. "What's a 'slut'?"
"In this particular case, your mother," Zero sneered as he backhanded both Wyatt and Adair. "She couldn't keep her legs closed at all."
Wyatt struggled even harder. "Bastard! You won't get away with this!"
"Oh, but it looks like I am," the Longcoat captain nodded to his men and they took firm hold of Wyatt before unshackling him from Adair and Jeb. "No one is stopping me, after all."
Wyatt fought even as the men dragged him to the suit. Adair and Jeb struggled as well, ignoring the guards who restrained them. "Someone will! You'll see!"
"No. They won't." Zero's smile was scornful. "Good-bye, Wyatt Cain."
"Father!" "Wyatt!" Those were the last words Wyatt heard before the suit clanged shut and he was locked away, forced to watch the agony of that day over and over again until he lost count.
End Chapter
A/N2: For the record, if people want a visual image for Adair, picture Dr. Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds. For lots of pictures of him and the actor in other roles, go
here. I have a hair fetish, so this
picspam made me very happy. I especially like the season two hair. That's about how I visualize Adair's hair. Amber Rose is pretty much Alan Cumming with longer hair and boobs. I made a series of "dolls" of Amber Rose that you can find