Fanfiction: 1776 (R)

Sep 05, 2008 14:38

Title: Seductions
Pairing/Characters: John Dickinson, Edward Rutledge, John Adams; John Dickinson/Edward Rutledge, Edward Rutledge/John Adams, John Dickinson/John Adams, John Dickinson/Edward Rutledge/John Adams
Rating: R for vague descriptions of naughtiness
Fandom: 1776
Word Count: 1,584
Summary: John Dickinson and Edward Rutledge wonder how excitable John Adams can be.
Notes/Warnings: Written as part of a secret fic exchange on look_sharp. The request was for any of the following pairings: John Dickinson/Edward Rutledge, John Adams/Edward Rutledge or John Dickinson/John Adams. Obviously, I managed them all. *grin* My person was ankeelv2. If you don't like characters sleeping with more than one other person, either in succession or at once, don't read.

When he answered the knock on the door of his lodgings, John Dickinson was not at all surprised to find Edward Rutledge standing on the other side. "Good evening, Mr. Rutledge. Won't you come in?"

"Good evenin', Mistah Dickinson." The South Carolina planter entered the Pennsylvania landlord's rooms with a distinct sway of his hips that caught the older man's attention. "That was quite a display you made this afternoon."

John smirked as he closed the door, leaning back against it as he met Edward's eyes. "It's Adams' fault, you know."

"You goaded him into it," the younger man retorted with a smirk of his own, draping himself over a nearby chair in a deliberately sensual pose.

Dickinson shrugged, sauntering towards Rutledge. "That's part of his charm. He's easily excitable."

"Mmm, that's true." Edward conceded, tilting his head up to accept the kiss John planted on his cheek. "It makes me wondah if he'd be excitable in othah ways."

The taller of the two pulled back just a little to give his lover a puzzled look. "What other ways are you thinking of?"

"This way for one." Rutledge straightened up to kiss Dickinson, deeply and hungrily.

Accompanied by a moan, the kiss was returned with interest. It was some minutes before either man spoke. "Do you really think he might be the sort to lie with other men?"

"Only one way to find out, suh." The South Carolinian purred, nipping at the Pennsylvanian's neck. "Latah, though. I have othah things on my mind."

Smirking, John swept Edward up and over his shoulder, carrying him off to the bedroom.

* * *
Rutledge approached Adams first, asking him to come by his lodgings to discuss matters supposedly related to the resolution on independence. The Massachusetts delegate agreed readily enough and arrived precisely at the time specified. The South Carolinian had made his plans appropriately. When he opened the door to the shorter man's knock, he offered to take his coat for him, "Out of deference to this infernal heat."

"Is that why you aren't wearing your coat?" asked Adams, even as he removed the garment in question. "Or your cravat, stockings, or shoes?"

Rutledge glanced down at himself as he took the coat, hanging it with his own. He'd removed his shoes, stockings, coat, and cravat upon his return to his lodgings. "It is, suh."

"I suppose it is rather practical, given that you're in your own lodgings," observed the Massachusetts delegate as he followed the South Carolinian to a table where two glasses of wine waited for them.

Handing one to the shorter man, the taller one smirked. "My thoughts exactly, suh."

Adams accepted his wine and sipped sparingly, sitting on the edge of the chair Rutledge indicated. "You asked me to come so we could talk about the resolution on independence, Mr. Rutledge. Not the practicalities of dressing for this blasted weather."

"Did I actually say I wished to discuss the resolution on independence?" Edward asked with a lazy smirk, reclining elegantly in the chair opposite John's.

His smirk widened when he noticed the way the other man's piercing blue eyes skimmed along his form before returning to meet his. Noticing the smirk, Adams scoffed and set his mostly-full glass aside. "I don't have time for this, Mr. Rutledge. I have better things to do than play games with you."

"That's not what I asked you here for, Mistah Adams." The Southerner rose and moved quickly yet apparently lazily to stand between the New Englander and the door, regarding him with hooded eyes.

The shorter man regarded his taller host with wary eyes. "What did you ask me here for, then, Mr. Rutledge?"

"This." Swooping down, he captured Adams' mouth in a teasing kiss that promised much pleasure if it was returned, with interest.

Much to Rutledge's disappointment, his quarry pulled back, staring at him with shocked eyes. Yet, gazing into them, he saw a hint of curiosity and wonder, quickly hidden by righteous indignation. "That was uncalled for, Mr. Rutledge. You will have to find someone else to share your bed, because I refuse."

"Do you, suh?" Edward asked, his voice almost purring as he leaned in close once more, gripping John's shoulders tightly enough to make it difficult for him to pull away, but not tight enough to leave a bruise.

He kissed him again, resisting Adams' attempts to pull away until he melted into his arms with a moan that sounded suspiciously like, "Damn you, Sir."

Smirking, Rutledge continued the kiss as he guided the New Englander into the bedroom. Though he usually preferred to be filled, this time, he felt it best that he do the filling. John didn't seem to mind, his responses hinting that this wasn't the first time he'd lain with a man. The Southerner didn't mind. It made the experience more enjoyable, because his bed partner knew what to do to give Edward as much pleasure as he was receiving.

The bedclothes were a wreck by the time they finished and their clothes were strewn about the room, but Edward didn't much care one way or the other. John would be gone by morning, taking his clothes with him. Then it would be Dickinson's turn to seduce the small, fiery man.

* * *
From the cat-in-the-cream smile Edward Rutledge wore, John Dickinson assumed that his lover's evening with John Adams had been extremely pleasant. Having no desire to be left out of the pleasantries, he wasted no time beginning his own seduction. He began by asking Adams to join him for a drink after Congress was adjourned. After a week of this, he suggested dinner at his lodgings. Perhaps it was the amount of rum Adams had drunk, or he was simply feeling reckless. Regardless, he accepted the invitation.

Dickinson was true to form, making sure his guest had plenty to eat and drink. By the end of the evening, the Massachusetts man was asleep in his chair, replete. Amused, the Pennsylvanian carried him into the bedroom and stripped him of his clothes except for his shirt and tucked him into bed. Doing the same for himself, he slipped under the covers as well and gently kissed the other man's forehead.

Adams moaned and rolled over into Dickinson's arms, actually snuggling against him. Highly amused, the landlord softly kissed the lawyer's lips. After a few moments, they came alive under his, returning the soft kiss with eagerness as the shorter man's arms encircled his waist, pulling the taller man closer.

Neither pulled back until they both needed air, gasping for breath as their eyes met and held. "What do you want from me, John?"

"Only what you want to give, John." Dickinson lightly stroked Adams' cheek.

"What if that were just my hand?" Piercing blue eyes were wary as they peered into blue-gray.

"I'd accept that." The Pennsylvanian let his sincerity show in his gaze. "I'd be disappointed, but I'd accept it."

"Would you accept my mouth?" The Massachusetts man pressed closer to his companion, his arousal pressing against his hip.

"Yes, I would accept that, too." The taller man's voice was strangled as he fought the urge to simply grab the shorter man and take him. That would be the best way to end the evening quickly and on a sour note as well.

He almost whined with disappointment when Adams rolled away from him, onto his back. It died when surprisingly strong arms pulled him forcibly atop the smaller form. "I give you my body, John. Do whatever you like."

"No, John." He hid a smirk at the other man's puzzlement. "I'll only do what you want me to do."

"I want you to take me, fill me until I can't think of anything but you inside me and around me," he growled, small hands sliding under his shirt to grip his ass, startling a squeak of surprise out of him. "Distract me--"

Dickinson leaned down to kiss him, stopping the flow of words with his mouth. It was the best way he could think of to shut the man up. It worked marvelously.

* * *

About a week later, Dickinson wasn't surprised to find Rutledge on the other side. What did surprise him was the presence of Adams at Edward's side. "John, Edward. What brings you two here?"

"John and I have been discussin' some things, John," the South Carolinian began as he sailed into the room, towing the Massachusetts man along behind him. "We were wondahin' if you've considered havin' more than one lovah."

He blinked, surprised, turning to face the other two. "I beg your pardon?"

"It's just that I quite enjoyed my nights with each of you and I couldn't help wondering what it would be like to have a night with both of you," Adams explained as Rutledge stood back. "I've been with Sam and Hancock, so I know what it's like to have two lovers to think about instead of one."

Dickinson exchanged a surprised look with Rutledge over Adams' shoulder. "I don't even have to ask if you're willing, do I, Neddy?"

"The more the merriah, I say." Edward answered with a lascivious smirk.

He winked and stepped forward to kiss Adams, who melted into it with a hungry moan. The sound was repeated more loudly when Rutledge pressed up against him from behind, peppering kisses along his neck and shoulders. Dickinson hazily mused that this was the start of an interesting relationship.


fanfic: 1776

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