Still Life - "Not Fade Away" - Acts I, II, & III

Oct 26, 2008 17:44

We're in the home stretch, folks. Here be the next-to-the-last ep (number 6 of 7). Enjoy.

Color Bars

ID tag:

Bart Simpson with the channel and phase check

20th Century Fox TV


“Not Fade Away”

Ep. #1AHJ05


TRT = 44:53


Previouslies: Wow. Lots of stuff to recap. Jake’s murder & Eddie Marble. Max figuring out that Jake knew Eddie from someplace; Max at Darien’s apartment, she doesn’t know him.

Maggie introducing Max to Whit; Max and Maggie don’t owe each other anything anymore (and dang but I’ve missed these. Jensen looks so good!).

Introduction of Jonathan Gray; Char fires Jon; Politico Dad rehires him; Jon wants to make Char mayor.

Em working at the gentlemen’s club; Mr. Genero asks her to dance, which she politely refuses; Em and Stack start the catering business together.

Daisy still feels Jake and wishes he were here.

Act I

Opening shot: Fuzzy, out of focus shot of what looks like wispy clouds in the sky.

VOJ: It’s amazing to watch as things change.

Camera begins to pull out, and we see that what we though was a blue and white sky is actually a flow blue country scene on a china platter.

VOJ: Nothing makes me happier than to see the way Em is moving on in her life, putting the past behind her.

Camera pulls out further to reveal that we’re looking down on a serving platter stacked in a cardboard box. Pull out further as Stack unloads the box from a truck. Em and Stack are moving things into their catering garage/kitchen.

Em (wearing her pink coat while they unload) approaches Stack with a very excited smile.

Em: You are not going to believe what just happened.

Stack: What?

Em: The Police Benevolent Association want us to cater their benefit dinner on Friday.

Stack: That’s great!

Em: Yeah, someone from the PBA was at Mom’s fundraiser. They dug us.

Stack: All right! Our first official gig.

They high-five each other.

Stack: We’re rock stars. Nice.

Em is positively beaming as she moves to pick up one of the boxes.

Stack: Oh, Misty called. She said she can’t work for us anymore on weekends. She’s gotta do bachelor parties.

Em: (with a sigh as she hefts a box) Maybe we should re-think using strippers as our wait staff. They have way too many scheduling conflicts.

Stack: (also carrying a box into the catering kitchen/garage) Yeah. Or we could just cater bachelor parties and retirement events. Make it kind of a two-for-one thing.

Camera angle changes to watch them from behind as they walk into the garage. Stack elbows Em, throwing her slightly off balance. She shoulders him back slightly harder.

Dissolve to CU of a paused video of Charlotte during an interview.

VOJ: Mom’s trying to move on, too. Everyone is, in their own way. But it’s a tough ride burying the past. Like now.

Whip pan to the real Charlotte, sitting on the couch, remote in hand, chewing her nails, looking very nervous. Max sits next to her on the left, Daisy is at her right. Politico Dad is standing behind her.

Charlotte: (clicking on the video) This is what everyone is so upset about.

Em (minus the pink coat) enters as the video starts up. She stands behind the couch next to her granddad.

Let us pause a moment for Max notes (because dang but I’ve missed that boy). Two-toned (dark blue sleeves, lighter blue body and hood) hooded sweatshirt over gray T. He sits leaning forward, elbows on knees, hands clasped together in front of his mouth. He just looks really good.

TV Reporter on Video: And how do you feel about balancing your campaign with being the mother of three children?

Charlotte on video: (smiling) Hmmm . . . I think a career really helps with motherhood. I think it enriches a mother’s life, which enriches her children’s lives.

Politico Dad: (heavy sigh, shaking his head and stuffing his hands in his pockets) Oh, Charlotte. You know better than that.

Charlotte throws her hands up as Max twists around to look at his granddad.

Max: What’s wrong with what she said?

Charlotte: Nothing. But the local news reported that I made statements against stay-at-home mothers.

All the children are frowning at this.

Daisy: But you didn’t.

Politico Dad: It doesn’t matter. The press has it now, and they’re gonna spin it so it sounds much worse than it is.

Em: That’s ridiculous.

Charlotte: It’s absolutely ridiculous. I stayed home with Jake and Max. I’d never criticize any mother for the choice she makes.

She clicks the video again, crosses her arms, and slumps back into the couch.

Charlotte: Jonathan takes a week off, and I set off a drama. He’s gonna love that.

Max looks downright fretful, brow crinkled, biting the inside of the corner of his mouth.

A different reporter, reporting from outside a public building where a protest is taking place.

Reporter #2: Several groups are already gathering to protest Charlotte Morgan’s comments about stay-at-home mothers. Previous to her statements, Morgan was a favorite with local women’s groups, but that support is now being seriously brought into question. Fall-out could be severe.

Politico Dad: (heavy sigh) This could cost you the race.

No one looks happy. Daisy looks a little sympathetic. Max is quite distressed, starts pulling absently at the cuff of his sweatshirt.


David Keith [Ben Morgan]
Jensen Ackles [Max Morgan]
Audrey Marie Anderson [Emily Morgan]
Jeanette Brox [Daisy Morgan]
Morena Baccarin [Maggie Jones]
Bryce Johnson [Jake Morgan]
Susanna Thompson [Charlotte Morgan]

Created by Kip Koenig

(Note: This ep directed by Matt Shakman)
(Note: This ep written by Andrea Newman)

Act II

Fade up:

Interior, Morgan dining room area, Day:

Max, Em, and Daisy are all seated at the table. Char paces as her Politico Dad talks on the phone. Max is drinking a cup of coffee, Em is writing in a notebook.

VOJ: I feel for Mom. But Emily’s got the most to lose here. She just doesn’t know it yet.

Em: (Addressing Max, a continuing indication of a sibling bond between the two) I feel like finding out when they’re protesting and throwing eggs at them. Would that be bad?

Granddad: (who has hung up the phone) That would be very bad.

Daisy: (To Em) This isn’t funny. Grandpa says this could cost her the race.

Max: (directing the comment toward Granddad and Charlotte) You know the mayor’s probably behind it all.

Charlotte: I don’t believe this! The press, these protestors are misinterpreting what I said. They’re accusing me of the most ridiculous-

Daisy offers her mom a big hug.

Daisy: Don’t worry.

Charlotte: Oh, honey . . .

Granddad: This! This is what we need. You in front of the cameras with the kids. To show how important motherhood is to you and how supportive the whole family is of your decision to run.

Charlotte: (nodding, eyes wide, ready to take on any sort of damage control) Okay, so what do we do?

Granddad (Owen Foster! That’s his name. It was starting to bug me that I couldn’t remember): Uh, I’ll get on the phone with Pam Lawrence at KJKK, and I’ll get her to put out the word about an afternoon press conference. (Pulls out his cell.)

Charlotte: (blinks in surprise) Wha-this afternoon.

Granddad: The sooner the better. You’ll all need to be there.

Em looks wary, skeptical, not at all comfortable with the idea.

Granddad: Uh, we need to get Ben home from work.

Char looks at Daisy, who’s more than eager to help.

Daisy: Yeah, I’m in.

Next Char looks to Max.

Max: Yeah, just call me at the studio, let me know what time.

She looks to Emily. Em really, really doesn’t want to be involved in this.

Em: I suck at this stuff, you guys know that. I-I failed public speaking, remember?

Charlotte: I know, honey, but-

Granddad: Emily, it’s very important the whole family show a united front. That all of us are there to support her.

Em: I totally support her. I just don’t want to support her in front of a bunch of reporters. (Sheepish smile.)

Everyone looks at her, their disappointment clear.

Em shrugs in defeat.

Em: Okay. Okay. I’ll be there.

Blue wash to:

Interior, Max’s room, Day:

Max is packing his photography bag/camera case, getting ready to leave for work. He’s got a brown/black leather jacket on over his sweatshirt.

VOJ: When it comes to moving on, Max is the king. Except when it comes to people he cares about.

Em comes into the room, then stops short. She’s urgent, almost frantic.

Em: You know I’m gonna totally freeze up as soon as the crowd is looking at me.

Max: (Continues his packing as Em sits on the chair at the desk) Not gonna be a crowd. It’ll just be a couple of reporters. You’ll be fine.

Em: Why’re you in such a hurry? You late for work, spaz?

Max moves to his bureau dresser, gathering small plastic canisters of film and tossing them, rapid-fire, one by one across the space into the camera bag on the bed.

Max: Noooo, I wanna get there early so I don’t run into Maggie and Austin Powers.

Em: (chuckles) You wish Austin Powers. More like 007.

Max looks at her like he totally does not appreciate the comparison.

Max: Yeah, thanks for reminding me.

(It appears he’s picked up something-his wallet, maybe-and is checking to make sure he’s got cash or whatever. Whatever it is, it eventually goes into his pocket or his hip pocket. The shot is a medium close-up, so we can’t see his hands. Not that it’s important. I just wanted to fill in the action here.)

Em: Ssso you’re trying to avoid them altogether?

Max: Well, yeah. Every time we see each other, it’s like we just stand around with these stupid smiles on our faces.

Em: Max!

Max: (stops what he’s doing momentarily, body language slouching slightly, trying to get Em to understand) It’s just a little too early for me to be cool with everything, you know? (He turns back to what he was doing.)

Em: (Leaning forward, playing the advice-giver) Well, what’s more important? Your ego, or keeping Maggie in your life. (Her tone says the answer should be obvious.)

Max pauses to consider.

Max: My ego. (He tosses his satchel onto the bed next to the camera bag.)

Em smiles.

Em: You wanna stay above all this crap?

Max slows down to listen to her.

Em: Play it cool with the happy couple. Show her that you’re totally fine with it. Then you’re the good guy (she leans to one side) and not . . . (she leans to the other side, her implication clear . . . ) what’s his face.

Max gives her a slow smile as he picks up his helmet and closes his camera case.

Max: Yeah, I hear ya.

Em: (rising from the chair) Wish I could be there. I love hideously awkward situations. (She turns to make her exit, tossing over her shoulder . . . ) When they’re not mine.

Blue wash to:

Interior, Daisy’s room, Day:

I don’t think I’ve described Daisy’s room yet. This is probably the best shot we get of it. It’s very colorful, with bright primary and secondary colors hanging from the walls, coloring the throw pillows on her bed, etc.

Daisy is stretched out on her stomach, head propped on one arm, hugging a tassled pillow.

VOJ: Some people worry about Daisy because she still talks to me. But I know, somehow, we’re still connected.

Daisy: That guy Walt asked me out again. I said no again. I feel bad, but he wears a cape to school. Oh, God, did you see that reporter talking about Mom? How awful was that? Jake? (She pushes herself up to sit cross-legged on the bed.) Are ya-ya there? ‘Cause I’m not feelin’ ya.

VOJ: I’m here, Daisy. I’m reading ya loud and clear.

Daisy: You must be there somewhere. I know you care about what’s happening with Mom. But . . . maybe you could . . . send me a-a little-some kind of sign? (She laughs nervously.) Hello?

VOJ: Doesn’t really work that way, Dais. Just because I want something to happen doesn’t mean it will. But for you? I’ll try.

Blue wash to:

Interior, Police station, Day:

The blonde chick, Darien, the one Max went to see about Jake, is being led, cuffed, into booking.

VOJ: That’s Darien. My dad’s determined to get this girl. He thinks knowing more will help put the past behind him. But he’s wrong.

Ben watches as Darien is printed and booked. A uniform is next to him confirming how he should proceed (i.e., gives exposition for this storyline that’s been placed on the back burner for a few eps).

Uniform: Okaaay, so I write this as a solicitation bust from an anonymous tip, right?

Ben: Yeah.

Uniform: I keep Max’s name out of it.

Ben: That’s right.

Uniform: So Max met a guy who told him that Jake used to follow Eddie Marble to this girl’s place, and you’re thinkin’ she knows why Jake was hangin’ around with his killer.

(Nicely done, Mr. Exposition. That actually sounded halfway natural.)

Ben: “Suspected killer” if it comes up in the paperwork. Alright. Yeah. Good.

Ben claps Uniform on the back and sends him on in to Booking to do his job.

Cut to:

Interior, Morgan upstairs hallway, Day:

The camera is angled to look into what we find out is Jake’s room. There’s a shaggy dog lying on the bed. Daisy walks by, and when she looks toward the room, she sees the dog on the bed.

Daisy: Hey! Who’re you? How did you get in here?

Daisy is delighted by the surprise, and goes into the room to pet the dog. The dog starts whining and wagging its tail.

VOJ: Yeah. How’d that mutt get in my room?

Daisy: (To the dog) Jake? Jake, is that you?

The dog sits partially up, panting happily. Daisy covers her mouth in gleeful surprise.

Daisy: I asked for a sign.

VOJ: What? That’s not a sign; that’s a stray. We must be loosin’ our connection, Dais, because I had nothin’ to do with this.

The dog hops off the bed and follows Daisy into the hallway.

Blue wash to:

Exterior, City sidewalk, Day:

It appears Max is leaving work, as his intended path appears to be toward the street, ostensibly where his bike is parked. He’s got his satchel across his shoulder, and he’s carrying his helmet. We hear Maggie’s voice call to him before seeing Maggie and Whit walking down the sidewalk in his direction.

Maggie: Max!

Max: Hey, guys.

Whit: Good to see you.

Max: Yeah, you, too.

I’d like to make note here that Max does not have an air of uncertainty here. He’s meeting both persons' eyes, and he seems at ease, even smiling a little bit, politely.

The three of them stop to chat.

Max: How’s . . . how’s business goin’?

Whit: Oh, great. In fact, I’ve decided to extend my stay.

Max: (seems a little surprised, but covers well) Cool. (He offers a polite but awkward smile.)

After a pause . . .

Maggie: How’s work with Finn?

Max: It’s goin’ pretty well, actually. He’s given me some assignments, you know, some small stuff, but . . .

Maggie: (Smiling widely) Good. That’s wonderful.

Max: Yeah. (He turns his gaze to look directly at Whit. Not quite a challenge, but he’s definitely standing his ground.)

Whit smiles, but breaks eye contact first.

Whit: You know, I’ve been thinking. (He’s meeting Max’s gaze. The challenge is there.) You know, we work so close, maybe, uh, we should get some lunch sometime.

Max: Lunch?

Whit: Yeah. (Looks to Maggie) What do you think?

Maggie doesn’t know what to say, but Max jumps in.

Max: Yeah, sure. Lunch. Or we could do dinner. You know, that way we wouldn’t have to rush back to work.

Max doesn’t once break eye contact during this exchange, doesn’t flinch in the slightest. Have I mentioned recently that I love Jensen’s acting skills?

Maggie can’t quite believe what she’s hearing.

Whit: (With a smile, very agreeable to the idea) All right, dinner it is.

Maggie’s face falls.

Whit: Tomorrow?

Max: Or tonight. Tonight’s even better.

Whit: Even better’s even better.

Maggie: (distinctly lacking in enthusiasm) Yeah. Okay. Tonight. (She seems almost confused at to what just went on.)

Max: All right. (He finally breaks eye contact.)

Whit: Yeah. See ya.

They part ways. Max has a look about him, like he’s surprised by what just happened, almost like he’s recovering from an actual confrontation. But he held his ground and he came out in one piece, and I’m proud of him.

Cut to:

Interior, Morgan parlor, Day:

The room is full of reporters. Charlotte is there, everyone is getting ready for the press conference. The camera pans to the front hallway as Max enters through the front door. Daisy is there with the dog, calling it to her as if it’s the new family pet.

Daisy: (Bending, slapping her knees as takes in the scene) Come on, boy. Come on!

Max: (carrying neither his helmet nor his satchel. He must have left them in the garage with his bike) Nice dog.

The commotion draws Char’s attention. She indicates to the reporter she’s speaking with that she needs to step away. “Hold on,” she says.

Daisy and Max both bend to pet the dog, scratching his ruff and his back.

Charlotte: Where’d he come from?

Daisy: He was just sitting in Jake’s room. You guys, I know how this sounds, but I haven’t been feeling Jake lately. So I asked him to send me a sign.

Max is amusing to watch here, but I can’t really describe it. He’s listening to his sister, but you can sort of tell this is going to be teasing material.

Max: And you made a dog appear? Did you actually see it happen? (His tone is serious, but his gestures-of making a dog appear-tell us he’s not.)

Daisy: Of course not. But I was talking to Jake, and then there he was.

Max furrows his brow and smiles like Dais is nuts. Char bends down to look for a collar.

Charlotte: Oh, honey, he must have wandered in when the back door was open. He belongs to somebody.

Daisy: (as if this makes her point) Wandered in and went straight into Jake’s room.

Granddad has picked up on the scene in the front hall and excuses himself from his own interview.

Daisy: By coincidence. I don’t think so. This dog is connected to Jake. I feel it.

Max’s lopsided smile and eye roll says that he probably does think his baby sister is a little nuts.

Granddad joins the conversation.

Granddad: (to Char) We need to get going. (To Daisy) Um, let’s keep your "dog from beyond" theories private for the moment, okay, peanut?

Max smirks at Daisy. (Such a Dean look, and yet so much the Max we rarely see.)

Daisy: (chuckling) Okay, I won’t tell the press. But I don’t think this dog is from beyond, okay? I’m not an idiot. Just . . . I think Jake wants us to have him.

Granddad: Fair enough. Just . . . (And he places a finger to his lips in a “keep it mum” gesture.) (To Charlotte) What happened to Emily and Ben?

Charlotte: Dad, they’ll be here any minute. (To Daisy) Sweetie, I believe you when you say that you feel Jake-

Daisy: You have to let me keep him.

Charlotte: We can discuss having a dog, but the idea that Jake sent this dog-

Ben comes in the front door.

Granddad: Oh, good. Here’s Ben. Alright, let’s get started. (He takes Char by the wrist and starts pulling her into the parlor.

Charlotte: (continuing with Daisy) We are not finished.

Granddad: Where’s Emily, damnit?

Ben: (not overly pleased) Where’d the dog come from?

Daisy: (with a big grin) He’s ours.

Ben: Huh?

As the family adjourns to the parlor, another reporter comes to the front door.

Cut to:

Parlor, moments later:

Char, ready to begin, sits on the couch with Max on her right and Daisy on her left. Ben stands to Max’s right, and Granddad stands to Daisy’s left. They are, of course, facing the cameras and getting their picture snapped.

The late-coming reporter stands in the doorway and watches. It’s Mr. Genero.

VOJ: This guy was a regular at the strip club where Em worked. He also happened to be a reporter.

Em walks in through the open front door, and Genero immediately recognizes her.

Genero: Hey. (Em stops short.) You’re the girl from Marlowe’s.

Em: (totally blindsided, with a small shake of her head) No. No, I’m not.

Genero: Yeah, you are. You’re the girl from the strip club.

VOJ: That’s the problem with the past. With secrets. When they catch up with you, everything can fall apart.

Emily sees her family sitting together in the parlor, and she doesn’t know what to do. She turns as . . .

Blue wash to BLACK.


Fade up on:

Interior, Morgan parlor, Moments later:

Ben sits on the arm of the couch above Max; Max sits to Charlotte’s right, then Charlotte, with Daisy seated on Char’s left.

Charlotte: (Giving her press conference) The decisions that we make as mothers are personal. I think it’s important not to judge anyone. In my case, running for mayor was the right decision for me.

Max looks very proud of his mom.

Reporter: Are Ben and the kids involved in the campaign?

Charlotte: (looking very proud of her family) They’ve been amazing. They’ve volunteered, helped out, they support me completely.

Reporter: I notice your daughter Emily isn’t here.

This makes Char just a little uncomfortable, but she assures:

Charlotte: She pitches in, too. She’s been a great help.

Cut to:

Interior, Catering garage, Day:

(I still can’t figure out, but I think this garage is part of the Morgan house . . . )

Em is quite fretful, leaning her forehead in her hands and she leans against a counter. Stack enters carrying a box of stuff and startles her out of her thoughts.

Stack: Let’s make some pies for the PBA dinner!

He sees something is wrong as he sets down the box.

Stack: What’s wrong?

Em: I am so trapped.

Stack: Okay, we don’t have to do pies.

Em: Mr. Genero, from the club?

Stack is drawing a blank.

Em: Two dozen oysters, extra lemon . . .

Stack: Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, what about ‘im?

Em: He’s a reporter. And he’s here, in my house. At a press conference to show what a great mother my mom is.

Stack: Well, that’s just bad mojo.

Em: I don’t even know if he realized I was a Morgan, I just ran out of there. But the press would love that headline-"More Proof Charlotte Morgan’s a Bad Mother: Daughter Works at Strip Club." (heavy sigh) This is a disaster.

Stack: Wha, he’s not gonna say anything. I mean, why would he?

Em: Um, because he’s a reporter?

Stack: Uh, good point. (He leans on the same counter, hands clasped in front of him, mirroring Em’s stance.)

Em: What am I gonna do?

She looks to Stack hopefully, as if he has the answer. But he’s got nothin’.

Cut to:

Interior, Art gallery, Day:

Whit is on the phone, Maggie is finishing up with some customers/patrons. Maggie approaches Whit as he closes his cell phone.

Whit: So what do you think about Chez Panice for dinner tonight? A bit too much?

Maggie looks stunned, at a loss.

Maggie: What are you up to?

Whit: Making reservations.

Maggie: You should have talked to me about this. Asking Max out with us?

Whit: (good-naturedly) I thought you’d be pleased. (He gets up from where he’s lounging in a chair and steps to Maggie.) And Max certainly seemed to be agreeable.

Maggie: (a hint of challenge) Yeah. What exactly was going on with you two today?

Whit: We’re just . . . anxious to get to know each other.

Maggie: (not convinced) I don’t know. It seems so fast, and things are still so weird.

Whit: Look, Max is one of your best friends. He’s in your life. I just think it’s important to . . . to make an effort.

Maggie takes a breath.

Whit: And besides, if Max is okay with it, why shouldn’t we be?

She still has no reply. Whit pulls out his cell.

Whit: I’ll call and cancel if that’s what you want.

Maggie: (placing a hand on his to stop his dialing) You know? Don’t. Just . . . nowhere fancy, alright? Let’s go someplace casual.

Whit: (with a smile) Well, you’ll have to school me on the casual thing. It’s not really my style.

Maggie: (with a small chuckle, but becoming serious) I know. I want you to try and make an exception. For comfort’s sake. Promise.

Whit: (taking her chin in his fingers) Whatever you say.

Cut to:

Interior, Morgan front hall:

The press conference has broken up, and Ben is on his way back to work. Charlotte catches Ben before he leaves.

Charlotte: Anything?

Ben: I left a message on Em’s cell phone.

Charlotte: I don’t understand it. She knew how important this was.

Ben: I know. We’ll talk to her tonight. I gotta get back to work.

Charlotte: Everything okay?

Ben: Yeah, just the usual bull. Don’t worry about it. (He gives her a kiss on the cheek before he leaves.)

As Ben exits the scene, Max come up to Charlotte.

Max: Hey, Mom.

Charlotte: (turning her attention to Max) Yeah.

Max: So, um, I’m gonna go out tonight with Maggie.

Charlotte: Maggie?

Max: Yeah, and her boyfriend. We’re gonna go out to dinner. (Max has stuffed his hands in his jeans, one of the tells for being awkward or uncertain.)

Daisy has joined the conversation.

Daisy: Oooh. That’s a terrible idea.

Max: No, it’s fine. (He rubs his eye, another discomfort tell.) It’s gonna be good. Um-

Daisy: Mom, Mom. Wanna walk the dog with me?

Granddad has joined the party and speaks to Char over Max’s shoulder.

Granddad: Tammy from Channel 6 is taking off. Maybe we better finish up with her.

Charlotte: Uh, yeah. Okay. (Granddad heads back into the parlor.)

Max: (To Char) I’ll talk to you later. (He gives her a quick kiss on the cheek as he exits past her toward the back of the house.)

Charlotte: Well, sweetie, ha-have a good dinner. (To Daisy) Honey, I can’t walk the dog right now. Maybe later? Okay. (And she heads back to the last of the reporters.)

Blue wash to:

Interior, Max’s room:

Max is trying to decide what shirt to wear. He’s wearing a multi-colored striped button-down, the colors of which are in the burgundy/purple/mauve spectrum He’s holding in front of himself a striped button-down that’s white, a more muted purple, and gold pattered stripe. (I realize that’s a terrible description, but It’s really kinda hard to explain.) He goes back and forth between these options, holding the second shirt up, dropping it down to see the one he’s wearing, etc.

VOJ: So. Max is havin’ dinner with Ganier and Maggie. And tryin’ to be totally cool with the whole thing.

Outside Max’s door stands Daisy’s new dog. He barks at Max, and Max turns to look at the dog before turning back to his wardrobe dilemma.

Max: What’re you lookin’ at? Yeah, I know everybody thinks this is a bad idea. Jake’s probably laughin’ his ass off.

VOJ: Not yet. But the night is young, bro.

Max heaves a sigh. He’s just so dang cute.

Blue wash to:

Interior, Police station interrogation room:

Darien sits opposite a detective who is questioning her. We watch through the two-way mirror.

Detective: What’s your relationship with Eddie Marble?

Darien: Look, I barely know the guy, alright? Comes to see me now and then, but we don’t talk.

Detective: Did he pay you for sex?

Darien: That’s illegal.

Detective: Yeah, I know that. Let’s start again from the beginning . . .

During this exchange, the camera pans and pulls back from looking into the interrogation room, to show Darien on the screen of the video set-up, to Ben watching through the two-way mirror.

Ben: Will’s getting’ nowhere.

Ben’s Captain: Let him take a shot.

Ben: He’s been takin’ it all day.

Captain: You got a better idea?

Ben: Make her a deal. She talks, she walks. (pause) Let me go in there. I can turn ‘er.

Captain: Why would you trust her?

Ben: This girl’s not ready for jail.

Captain eyes Ben.

Cut to:

Establishing shot:

Exterior, Restaurant, Night.

Cut to:

Interior, Americana restaurant:

Max, Maggie, and Whit sit at a table in the dining room of a family restaurant. My first guess is that it’s a TGIFriday’s, or maybe an O’Charlie’s. Could be a Max & Erma’s or Ruby Tuesday's. There’s too much Tiffany for it to be an Applebee’s. Of course, since this is shot in Vancouver, it might not be any of those places, but you get the idea. They are looking over their menus. (Btw, Max opted for his first choice in shirt, the burgundy/plum/mauve one.)

VOJ: These are the moments when I’m glad I’m dead. I’ll never have to suffer through an uncomfortable dinner like this.

Max bites the inside of his lip. They’re all a little too focused on their menus.

Whit: What exactly is a bread bowl?

Maggie: They carve out a round loaf of bread and put soup in it. Or, in this case (she points to the menu with a grin) "Unca Jay’s Mouth Scorching Buttah Beayn Chili."

This gets a smirk out of Max.

Whit: Yeah, but if you eat the bread, then the chili’s gonna spill out all over the place.

Maggie: (easing off the teasing) You don’t really eat the bread.

Whit: Well, then why do they serve it in the bread?

Maggie: (to Max) Can you explain it?

Max: (and girls, I so wish you could see his expression. It’s like, he’s at a loss, but he doesn’t care) You can’t really explain the bread bowl. It just is.

They all return to intensely studying their menus.

Maggie: (pointing this out to Whit) I see they have a nice selection of zinfandel.

Whit looks around uncomfortably.

Whit: Should we go? (Max looks up from his menu) I really don’t think I can face Poppy’s Pepperoni Poppers. You know, I’m sorry. Th-the-the guide book really didn’t do this place justice.

Max and Maggie don’t quite look scolded, but it’s definitely not a comfortable moment. But Max brushes it off.

Max: Don’t be sorry. I love this place. (He flashes a crooked smile.)

Whit: (somewhat incredulous) You’ve been here before?

Max: (warming to the subject) Yeah, yeah. I used to come here a lot when I was a kid. In fact, they have this dessert, it’s, like, seven feet long. Bring it out on a stretcher. (Yes, Max is in good spirits.)

Maggie grins at the story, as does Whit, glancing quickly at Maggie and deciding he should go along.

Whit: Well, tha-suppose we’re gonna have to have some of that, then, aren’t we?

They all laugh and relax just a little bit.

Cut to:

Interior, Morgan kitchen, Night:

Through the window, we see Em’s pink coat as Em makes her way to the patio doors. She tries to let herself in quietly, but the dog is lying under the dining table and barks a greeting.

Em is both surprised and disgusted that her stealthy entry has been blown, and she tries to shush the dog as she eases past, trying to keep her distance. She’s brought up short when her mother appears from around the corner. Char is holding a book and her reading glasses, and is wrapped in a robe. She’s obviously been waiting up.

Em: (on the defensive) What’s with the dog?

Charlotte: You should probably talk to your sister about that. What’s up with you?

Em: What do you mean?

Charlotte: You didn’t show up this afternoon.

Em: Yeah. Sorry about that. Um . . . I had stuff with work. Uh, talking about a gig.

Charlotte doesn’t buy it. She narrows her eyes in that mom-assessing-the-truth way.

Charlotte: I-I needed you for a half hour today, Emily. You could have gone right back to work like Max did. I know you don’t like speaking in public, but you could have at least done me the favor showing up.

Em: (now with the feigned self-righteousness as she walks past her mom) God. Sorry, Mom. I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to have a life.

Charlotte: Oh, now, wait a minute. I haven’t asked you for much this whole campaign except for this.

Em: I didn’t think it was such a big deal.

Charlotte: Well, it was for me. I could lose this race all because I misspoke.

Em: I got stuck. Okay? I didn’t have a choice. (She heads upstairs. Char watches her go with a sigh.)

Cut to:

Interior, Restaurant, Later:

There is a HUGE banana split dish of GINORMOUS ice cream scoops and whole bananas sitting on the table. Whit, Maggie, and Max each have a spoon as they attempt to put a dent in the sheer enormity that is this freakin’ dessert. The following conversation takes place between bites of ice cream.

Whit: So this is the quintessential American experience.

Maggie chuckles.

Max: It’s true. We’re all about wretched excess. It’s our art.

Whit: (indicating the dessert) Delivered on a stretcher, if we put this in the gallery, it would cause a sensation.

Max: Right. And then you have the audience eat it. (He pops another spoon of ice cream in his mouth.)

Whit: Nice touch. You know, you should drop by the gallery sometime. I think you’ll like the new stuff we’ve got coming in. Maya Mani?

Max: (shaking his head) I don’t know her.

Maggie: Incredible photography.

Whit: I thought of her when I saw your work, actually. You have a very similar sensibility.

This takes Max by surprise.

Max: When did you see my work?

Whit and Maggie look at each other, almost as if they’ve been caught doing something wrong. Maggie quickly tries to make it right.

Maggie: I showed him some of it. I hope that’s alright.

Max: (with a shrug, returning to his ice cream. Almost an avoidance tactic) Naw-yeah. That’s-that’s fine, I just, uh, have a long way to go.

Whit: Not so.

Max looks up from where he’s scooping ice cream.

Whit: You have a remarkable eye. (With a smile) Don’t underestimate yourself, Max.

Maggie seems comfortable, pleased that Whit is encouraging Max’s work. Max smiles politely, taking another bite of ice cream . . .

Blue wash to:

Interior, Morgan kitchen looking toward the dining area, Morning:

In the foreground, Em is taking hot muffins out of a pan and dropping them on a plate. Ben, Daisy, and Char are in the background, already seated at the table.

VOJ: I feel for Em. She decided to come clean and tell the family the truth. Something I could never do.

Max comes in, carrying the newspaper, wearing a kelly green crewneck sweater (which looks pretty darn good on him) with blue jeans (which also look pretty darn good). He crosses right behind Em, checking out what she’s doing.

Max: You’re makin’ breakfast? What’s the occasion?

Em: Just . . . thought it’d be nice.

Max glances back at the table, then returns his attention to Em.

Max: You and Mom still not talking?

Em: (with a sigh) Sit.

Max grabs a muffin, which he discovers is hot, and juggles it in one hand as he heads to his place at the table. Em smiles to herself at her brother’s antics.

Charlotte: (to Daisy) Why do you keep scratching your arm?

Daisy: I’m not.

Max: Great. Jake’s got fleas now?

Daisy: (reaching across the table and snatching the paper away from Max) I don’t think the dog is Jake, okay? And he doesn’t have fleas. (Daisy offers the dog a bagel, and Ben scolds her.)

In the foreground, Em takes a deep breath, steeling herself to tell her family something.

Em: (turning toward her family at the table) Guys? I need to tell you something.

But the family isn’t really listening. (Bit of background business trivia: Max takes sugar in his coffee.)

Daisy: Mom! There’s a really good picture of you in here. (She sees something else) Emily . . . Oh my God!

Em: (If the actress could will herself to go white, I’m sure Em would be pale right now) What?

Daisy: You’re a stripper?

That takes everyone at the table up short as they turn to pin her with their gazes. They’re all variations of incredulous: Char’s has a touch of judgmental/horrified; Daisy’s is pretty much out and out disbelief; Ben’s is rather stoic; and Max’s is almost a “What? That’s not true, is it?”

Em just stands there, mouth open, speechless.

Fade to BLACK

Acts IV & V

still life, jensen ackles, ep6

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