So . . .

Sep 01, 2011 14:51

How many pastors do you know that write encouragement e-mails to the congregation, signed off with:

And all God's people said, "Bring it!"

Yeah, me neither. :-)

Fly-by update )

church, medical, me, life, daddy

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Comments 3

ficwriter1966 September 1 2011, 19:12:46 UTC
All good wishes to your dad and your whole family, Felicia.



feliciakw September 3 2011, 15:04:44 UTC
Thank you.

It's a challenging time, you might say. Lots of changes in the offing, I think.



kalquessa September 4 2011, 05:13:24 UTC
Your pastor? Wins at everything.

Also, will be praying for your dad!


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