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Comments 11

kimmer1227 October 20 2010, 16:27:39 UTC
I've got a few Sam theories, one of them being that Sam sold his soul, except I think he remembers. I'm suspecting Crowley, just because of their interaction last week.

My other theory is that he was partying it up down there, and some unknown got him out. He's got the guilts about his lack-o-torture and general good treatment, and it's eating him up inside.

I'ma try that BBQ beef recipe soonish.

Fall is my favorite season. Took the pups to the park last weekend, and the colors were truly amazing. Yay Ohio!


feliciakw October 20 2010, 16:54:24 UTC
My other theory is that he was partying it up down there, and some unknown got him out. He's got the guilts about his lack-o-torture and general good treatment, and it's eating him up inside.

Yes! I don't know about "partying," but we (and Dean) are only assuming that the Cage is worse than Hell (or the equivalent to Hell). But if we look at it from the perspective of Lucifer being cast out of Heaven by his brother and locked in a cage/prison . . . would Michael (assuming he's the one who created the cage) make it totally horrific for his brother?

This makes my brain hurt.

izhilzha mirrored my own thoughts when she said this:

it struck me because people keep carefully referring to "the Cage" rather than "hell" as where Sam was, and I want to know exactly how different his experience actually was.

Also? LOVE THE ICON!!!! ICON LOVE!!!! I must find one like it. *grabby hands*


kimmer1227 October 20 2010, 18:39:36 UTC
"Partying" was probably too strong a word, but you get my drift. He may have been somewhat respected down there, being the boss' meatsuit and all. Or maybe he never had ANY interaction with the hellspawn or rack dwellers. Maybe the worse part about the whole thing was being stuck with the adolescent bickerings of Lucifer and Michael for a few years.

Sadly, I didn't make the icon. I got it from natalie666 over at ackles_harris. I adore it so! It's my new default.


feliciakw October 20 2010, 18:54:42 UTC
Ooh, see, I'm going for the speculation that the Cage is a separate thing from Hell. Because if the cage were actually in Hell, why would the demons have to take it on "faith" that Lucifer would return? So of your options here, I'd go with the stuck with the bickering rather than receiving respect from the hellspawn or rack dwellers.


Also, if you happen to come across screen caps of the documentary where your icon came from, I'd love if you could point me in the right direction. I've been looking for some raw caps this afternoon and haven't found any.


girlyghoul70 October 20 2010, 16:55:55 UTC
Yeah, Crowley having Sam's soul is looking more and more likely... Which is actually fine and dandy with me if it means more Mark Sheppard on the horizon! YAY. Though at this point, any soul related theory will have me nodding and pondering.

My friend Ti Anna still thinks the Devil is hiding in him somewhere, which, could be. Though I still think if that were the case his offness would lie in him acting too MUCH like Sam (trying too hard in other words) We shall see.

Cooking wise- Yeah, it's crock pot time fer shurr. I don't eat much pork, but I've always wanted to pour a soda over something. I think there's some beef recipe that involves a can of Dr. Pepper floating around out there.

I'm leaning towards Maple Ginger Sweet Potatoes. Don't have the recipe in front of me at the moment, but would be willing to share later. I made it about a year ago and t'was quite awesomey!



feliciakw October 20 2010, 18:02:19 UTC
I'm surprised I don't have my Pepsi pot roast recipe listed in my LJ index. I'll get that to you when I get home, but it's really easy. Off the top of my head, I think it's a 3 lb. beef roast, an envelope of onion soup mix, two cans of cream of mushroom soup, and a can or two of cola. (I've been meaning to try it with rootbeer to see if that affects the flavor at all ( ... )


leelust October 20 2010, 17:13:51 UTC
I'm not sure he could sell it though. There were what? 4 entities in the pit? Luci, Mike, Sam and Adam. So to who he could sell his soul then? But sadly i think you're right with your theory because this show likes to handwave things like this. *sigh*


feliciakw October 20 2010, 18:14:11 UTC
Sorry to be repeating myself, but it's easier to copy/paste from my previous comment up-thread:

The thing about my soul trade theory is that I'm not sure who Sam would have traded to. I'm leaning toward Michael having won the smackdown and then allowing Sam to return top side. I don't like the idea of Michael requiring Sam's soul in trade, because I want them to restore the awesomeness that could have been that character. But right now, I think that's a possible scenario.

Or perhaps, since Crowley took over Hell when Lucifer went back in the cage . . . though what happened to the key? Does Dean have it? Oh! Did Cas take it, and it was lost in the shuffle in Heaven? Anyway, if Crowley was the one to let Sam out, it would make sense that he has Sam's soul.Another option would be that another angel (Balthazar?) got a hold of the key and let Sam out in exchange for his soul ( ... )


leelust October 23 2010, 00:11:32 UTC
Oh, if you're right and it's Michael who has Sam's soul now it'll be sad for me because to make Micheal even less sympathetic? yeah, i'll hate that. I just don't know why would Michael request sam's soul when we know that Cas didn't do that with the dude whose body he's using.
And i don't like that the writers *forgot* to seal the cage (otherwise how would Crowley or Balty even be able to release Sam?)

That's why i think they'll handwave things again. because at least right now any of it doesn't make any sense. I don't think these writers are capable of writing stuff in the way all lose ends would connected and the story sound solid. So of course they'll pretend that some things never happened in fandom and will re-write canon. Again. :( Of course i know we should wait and see but after S5... you know what i mean...


feliciakw October 23 2010, 01:43:47 UTC
Oh, I'm not one of those people who thinks Michael is riding inside Sam. That's not what I mean.

But at this point, there are so many directions they could take with this that I hesitate to pose any further theories.


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