Rule is to reuse last line of a drabble as opening sentence here. Last sentence I’m using is,
"A boy should be allowed dreams", by
il-mio-capitano. I've finally got it down to 100 words, woohoo!
Title: William’s Dream
Length: 100
Rating: G/FRC
Disclaimer: Don’t own a thing, but Joss did say we could play.
“A boy should be allowed dreams,” thus inscribed. Giles squinted to make out the rest, faded by time and worn from frequent reading, “To my dearest William, Anne Pratt, Christmas, 1859.” The bookcase also held the three canonical Latin poets, Shakespeare, and the rest of the Big Five of Romantic poetry, where a gap indicated the rightful home of the Keats volume in his hand.
He didn’t know what to make of it. He’d had to wrestle with the plausibility of Spike the whitehat, a redemptive soulless vampire. He was not quite ready for the notion of Spike the poet.