Last-Line-First-Line Giles Drabble: Slayer’s Dilemma

Mar 18, 2015 10:13

Challenge from giles_shorts. Rule is to reuse last line of a drabble as opening sentence. I’m using the chaining-challenged last line from my previous Giles drabble here to redeem myself. (That makes it two drabbles today. Sorry for the spam, dear friends.)

Title: Slayer’s Dilemma

Length: 100

Rating: G

Characters: Giles, Buffy, Xander

Disclaimer: Don’t own a thing, but Joss did say we could play.

“Slayers' funeral arrangements are preapproved but a living wage is against Council operating principles?” Buffy glared at Giles, incredulous. “Gee, fake my own death a few times and I’d be flush. Got it.”

Giles was about to offer encouragement when Xander burst in, sheets of paper in hand. “The Xan-man has a solution!”

Buffy peered, “What’s this stuff?”

“Job application. Thought you could work with me in construction.”

“Uh-huh,” Buffy was doubtful. The large box marked “EXPERIENCE” she’d be leaving empty.

“And sign at the bottom to consent to a urine drug test.”

“Now you’re joking!” But Buffy wasn’t amused.

drabble, btvs, rating: g, btvs6, ficlicious, comm: giles_shorts, challenges

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