Last-Line-First-Line Giles Drabble: A Comeback

Mar 18, 2015 09:12

A 100-word drabble challenge for giles_shorts, the rule says to use the last sentence of the previous drabble as the opening sentence. The last sentence was, "Now he was having fun."

Title: A Comeback
Author: feliciacraft
Length: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Giles, Quentin Travers
Disclaimer: Don’t own a thing, but Joss did say we could play.

Now he was having fun. Whenever Travers said “Rupert” in that insufferable, condescending way, he took a sip and let the smooth Glenfiddich do its magic. He’d petitioned for a monthly stipend to support their only active Slayer, and Travers was reciting Council history and principles in a meandering refusal.

“Does it ever bother you, Quentin, to prioritize the needs of the dead above those of the living?” Giles deliberately matched his tone. He could well sound like an arrogant, stiff-upper-lipped berk when he damn pleased. “Slayers' funeral arrangements are preapproved but a living wage is against Council operating principles?”

giles, drabble, btvs, rating: pg, btvs6, ficlicious, challenges, comm: giles_shorts, quentin travers

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