My Uni Application for Griffith University College of Art was due in today. Although it didn't specify a time on the information sheet, when I got to the uni this evening at 6:30, it was closed and the library people told me that it had to be in before 5pm. Damn it. But they also said that if I got it in first thing tomorrow morning, they'd
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Comments 13
for three different fucking universities... so all the above...times 3
Bachelor of fine arts (acting)-QUT
Bachelor of applied theatre-Griffith
BAchelor of fine arts (animation)-Griffith
Bachelor of film and screen media-Griffith (same as u)
Bachelor of Animation or some shit at QUT
I had to do four portfolios and two auditions for the courses i had. i then later found out it was three auditions but then found out after that that it was two again cos i only needed one audition if i was applying at the same uni. Needless to say i gave up on the two animation courses and film courses portfolios cos i just couldnt care anymore. I still have to study an entire play though, and perform it, and write a test, and have two interviews. *Sigh*
not to mention when you apply for these things the forms are clear as mud! I've seen the portfolio needs for film and tv. and after not having done anything on it and it was due in the next day (same situation as u) the thought that came into my head was... "Fuck that!"
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