Title: Man of Steel: A Risk Worth Taking (8/?)
Author: Babette
babettew54Canon: Superman (MOS)
Pairings; Characters: Clark/Lois, Martha Kent, Sam Lane, Lucy Lane, Lex Luthor
Rating: M
Word Count: 3,700
Summary: Lois couldn’t decide whether to ask him out or bombard him with questions hopefully to secure the ‘Story of the Century.’
Spoilers: None. It’s just speculation about hand touching in the trailer and what it could mean for Clois.
Disclaimer: DC Comics/Warner Bros. Entertainment owns these characters. This is strictly for my own amusement.
Author's Notes: In this next chapter, Lex plots against Superman, Clark and Sam reach a mutual understanding, and later Lex reveals his shocking plan to rid the world of aliens, one in particular. Please read and review. Thank you! :D
x-posted: (
FFN); (
Chapter 1)(
Chapter 2)(
Chapter 3) (
Chapter 4) (
Chapter 5)
Chapter 6)(
Chapter 7)
Chapter 8: By Your Side
LexCorp tower, Lex Luthor's office:
Almost a month had passed since the nearly catastrophic events that had almost destroyed Metropolis, but nearly all of his staff had returned to work. They were cautious and worried, but Lex assured them that they were safe. A savior was among them, and they had nothing to fear.
After speaking with his staff in their weekly meeting, he returned to his office and awaited the General's visit. Lex was worried now. The General wasn't specific over the phone, but it was clear that he had changed his mind about Superman. He stated that he wasn't sure about any of it.
"General Lane," Lex greeted him with a firm handshake. Lex remembered their fateful meeting years ago when he had approached his office concerning weapons, meaning advanced weaponry that the Army had considered using in case of any unplanned attacks from specific enemies, meaning extra-terrestrials. Lex was only happy to assist the Army. It gave him the legitimacy he had been searching for because through no fault of his own, his reputation had diminished somewhat because of rumors about the legitimacy of his acquired wealth.
"Thank you, Mr. Luthor, for seeing me. I'm sorry about the short notice, but it couldn't be helped. I've been up all night worrying about my daughter."
"Slow down, General, take a seat and tell me everything."
Lex also sat down and listened to what the General had to say. After he explained about his daughter, her involvement with her partner, which also worried him, and she had insisted that she and Superman were just friends.
"I see, so you want me to get rid of Clark Kent, is that it, because he seems perfectly harmless to me."
"No, no, I have nothing against Clark Kent, but I am still worried about her and Superman."
"Well, I see why you're worried General, but my office is not the habit of getting rid of anyone. You understand of course."
Sam narrowed his eyes. "Can we be frank, Mr. Luthor? I'm not the police, nor am I out to trick you or to get in your way."
"Go on," Lex was hesitant, but curious.
"I know what you've been up to … the secret weapons testing, the wormhole technology, all of it." Sam felt he had the upper hand.
"I see." Lex did not like where this was going.
"Look, I'm not here to blackmail you or to force you to do anything."
"You could have fooled me," Lex stated.
Sam sighed. "Just keep an eye on my daughter and Superman. That's all I ask."
Lex did not like this at all. "That may be difficult."
"I'm not an idiot, Mr. Luthor. I know you have the means and the capability, so let's not play games."
As he thought about it, Lex narrowed his eyes then he held out his hand. "We have a deal."
Relieved, Sam shook his hand.
The Daily Planet bullpen:
Clark arrived first as not to arouse suspicion then Lois arrived a half hour later. They were living together for the time being. Clark had not had the chance to search for a place, but they both saw no reason to hurry on that score. He grinned as he watched her arrive, and she looked stunning as usual.
"Don't even think about it," Steve Lombard whispered from behind him.
"What, what do you mean?" Clark asked as he tore his eyes away from the stunning redhead.
"Superman, idiot!"
"Oh, him," Clark murmured but he wasn't surprised.
"Yes, him. Ever since he arrived, that's all she talks about or writes about for that matter."
"It's her job, Steve."
"I don't think so. There's more to it, and what about the title of her article? Come on, it's as clear as the nose on my face."
Clark was tired of this. "Get to work, Steve and stop with the rumors about Ms. Lane. There's nothing to substantiate any of it."
"You mark my words, it's true. You just wait and see." Steve walked off, convinced it was true.
Clark sighed as he glanced at Lois again. She gave him a look which meant she wanted to talk. His email alert also told him that she wanted to meet him on the roof in exactly ten minutes. He replied that he would be there.
Ten minutes later, Clark turned from the ledge at the sound of her voice. She rushed over to him and kissed him square on the lips. He couldn't resist her as he kissed her back.
"Ummm, I've wanted to do that since last night. Why didn't you wake me?" She asked, pouting a little.
"Lois, you were exhausted, and I needed to think about some things."
"What things, oh, you mean my Father?"
"Yes, I need to talk to him."
"I don't know, Clark. You said it yourself. The two of you should stay away from each other, and I have to agree with you."
He sighed. "I know, but after what you told me, I think he needs to know that you and I are serious about each other and that Superman is not in the picture."
"I told him that."
"And he believed you."
She thought about that. "Well, now that I think about it, you could be right. Daddy is so stubborn that I swear I could shake him sometimes."
"That's why I need to talk to him. Could you call him and set up a meeting?"
"I still don't think that's a good idea."
"I know what. Why don't you tell him that I'll meet him at his office? That way he can be relaxed, and he won't feel threatened in any way."
"Well, maybe," Lois murmured, still doubtful.
"Lois, we need to get him off our backs. That way we don't have to look over our shoulders and wonder what he's planning if anything."
Lois narrowed her eyes and thought about that. Her Father was concerned about her safety, but to do anything crazy or hurtful, she wasn't sure. The green-k incident at the warehouse wasn't planned, at least that was what she thought but now she wasn't so sure. I wonder if he knows that green-k could kill Clark?
"What are you thinking?" Clark asked as he watched the play of emotions on her face.
"Please be careful," she whispered and hugged him close.
"I'll be Ok. I'll be surrounded by the military, and they were helpful during the battle. You remember."
She pulled back and tried to smile. "But you'll be there as Clark Kent, not Superman. And please remember what they did to you in that warehouse. Just be cautious, ok?"
He stroked her shoulder hoping to reassure her. "Ok, I'll be cautious and don't worry. We'll work this out."
"I hope so." She shook her head. "I don't understand why Daddy doesn't trust you."
"Lois, it's because of you." He raised her chin. "I feel the same way. I want you to be safe, and your Father does too."
"Well, he has a strange way of showing it."
"I know. Come on, make the call."
Lois reluctantly made the call.
Later that day, at the General's office:
"Mr. Kent, come in, come in." The General greeted him warmly. Sam had thought long and hard about the green-k in his office. He wasn't proud of his behavior over the past few days, and he didn't want to explain to Kent why it was there, so he placed it inside his desk drawer.
"General Lane, thank you for seeing me. Lois talks about you, well, sometimes."
Sam chuckled as they both took a seat. "Well, I'm glad you clarified that. Lois and I haven't gotten along since she was a teenager, well actually since her Mom passed."
"Yes, Sir, she told me. Sorry for your loss." Clark suddenly felt uncomfortable as he pulled as his shirt collar. "Is it warm in here? It is a pretty hot outside today." It was nearly ninety degrees outside.
"I could turn up the air conditioning?" Sam did just that. "How's that?"
Then Clark started to sweat and then it hit him. Green-k was there somewhere. He had to make an excuse and leave, but how without raising suspicions. He was the one who wanted this meeting. "Sir, since it is such a lovely day, would you mind giving me a small tour of your base?"
He chuckled. "Is that the reporter talking now?"
"Yeah, it is. Would you mind?" Clark asked as he stood up.
"Of course, come this way."
Clark immediately felt better as he followed the General.
"So, Lois called and asked me to meet with you." Sam stopped walking and turned to him. "Can I be honest Mr. Kent? I can't get over how much you look like Superman, it's uncanny."
"I know that Sir and it's been a bit of a struggle for Lois and me." He ducked his head appearing sad.
"How do you mean?" Sam asked.
"I love her Sir, and I admit since everything that happened during the invasion, she's a bit distracted by her work, you know, writing about him all the time." He shrugged. "But I won't give up on her."
Sam watched him closely. "You mean that, don't you?"
"Yes Sir, I do. If I could fly or lift trucks, or do all of those superhuman things, I would but I can't. What I can say is this … I will do my best to make her happy."
Sam had to smile. "I think my Lo has gotten lucky this time."
Clark smiled in return. "I'm the lucky one."
"Good answer, but what about Superman?"
"Well, he's next on my list."
"You're going to speak to him about this?" Sam thought he was a brave young man. He couldn't help but feel impressed.
"Of course I will, Sir. There's nothing I wouldn't do for your daughter."
Sam believed him. He held out his hand. "You've lightened by burden, Mr. Kent. I was at my wits end with her."
They started walking again. "Well, she can be a handful."
Sam chuckled. "Oh you've noticed?"
Clark also chuckled. "Yeah, I've noticed."
They were nearing the front gate when a flying object suddenly appeared and began hovering around the base. "What in the world is that?" Clark pointed to it and then narrowed his eyes and x-rayed it. It appeared to be some type of tracking device. Could it be tracking me? He thought.
"It's nothing, just some new advanced warning system," Sam replied, not looking at it.
"Does the public know about this?" He turned to him. "Is this about the aliens? It's not dangerous, is it?" Clark's reporter mode kicked in. The machine was making jerking motions, up and down and back and forth as if unsure what to do next.
Sam purposely did not answer his questions. Stupid machine, he thought. "I'll see you around Kent." He hurriedly escorted him out through the front gate.
Clark watched the sky for a moment, entered the rental car and drove off. The machine hovered for a bit then it took off in the opposite direction. That was odd, he thought.
Meanwhile, on the rooftop of LexCorp's tower:
Lex anxiously watched the sky for the tracking device and then it appeared just as instructed. He watched as he directed the machine to land and then he removed the equipment and took it to the lab. Several minutes later, his lab technicians recalibrated the machine because it had followed Superman and various civilians all over town, including many tall men in the area. Lex suddenly realized that the mechanism would have to be calibrated again with more specific commands, but it would take a few weeks to complete.
Clark Kent couldn't be Superman, that's impossible.
Lex realized he had enough evidence for a science article which would put him back on the map, so he called the Daily Planet to set up a meeting with one highly-respected reporter.
"Is Lois Lane available to speak with Lex Luthor?"
"No, Sir, she's not in at the moment," the receptionist replied.
"Have her call me when she gets back. She has the number."
"Of course, I will, Sir."
Later than evening, at Lois's apartment:
Lois opened the door, and Clark looked worried. He looked strained and upset about something.
"Oh, dear, what happened with my Father?" Clark seemed pretty busy today, well, Superman was busy, dealing with looters and helping with clean-up all over the city.
"It's not good although I'm pretty sure I eased his mind about Superman and your involvement with him."
"That's good news, but you aren't going to like what happened earlier today."
"What happened?"
"Lex Luthor called the office wanting to see me." Lois was extremely worried. "I hope he doesn't ask questions about you. Do you have any idea if he knows about you?"
Clark was thoughtful. "I truly have no idea. We haven't seen each other since I left school and began my travels."
"That doesn't make me feel any better. You never know with Lex." She thought about it for a minute. "You should come with me. We need to know for sure if he remembers you. I know it would ease your mind."
He frowned. "You sound as if you know him."
"He asked me out a few times, but I wasn't interested. He thinks money can buy anything. Lois Lane is not for sale."
"Don't I know it." He said and smiled.
She smiled in return. "Anyway, I'm not looking forward to seeing him again, especially with this Contessa business. Is she still in the safe house with her daughter?" Clark had helped her escape and set her up in Canada away from Lex.
"Yes, she's alright, and as soon as she's able, I'll get the whole truth why Lex would do that to her. She has a large family. Her daughter is now ten years old. It's all a mystery."
She took his hand. "I know you'll figure it out." She sighed as she thought about Lex and how powerful he was. "I truly cannot stand to be in the same room with him." She shuddered for effect.
"I'll protect you." He smiled at her look.
She smirked at him. "Thanks, Clark."
The next day at LexCorp:
Lex was a bit surprised that Lois Lane would bring Kent along, but apparently, it was true, they were a couple, not just partners. It was pretty obvious with their glances and body language, and the way they stood side-by-side. He wondered what they could have in common. There's no accounting for taste.
Lois and Clark both entered his office. Clark introduced himself, but he supposed that was pointless. "Mr. Luthor, you know Ms. Lane."
Lex stared at him, but he didn't recognize him. They shook hands. "Mr. Kent. Yes, we know each other. It's good to see you again Ms. Lane, and thank you for coming. Please take a seat. Would you like something to drink?"
"This isn't a social call." Clark got right to the point. "What do you want, Mr. Luthor?"
"I wanted to show Ms. Lane something and you're welcome to join us."
"I wouldn't miss it," Clark said.
"Follow me," Lex instructed and exited his office.
"Stay behind me," Clark instructed.
Lois rolled her eyes but didn't say anything.
They entered an elevator which slowly lead them down to lower levels, and several minutes later, they exited into a corridor, dimly lit with armed guards on both sides of a massive metal door.
Clark frowned and watched as Lex swiped his finger across an access panel then a green light opened, and Lex placed his right eye over it.
Lois and Clark glanced at each other, then rolled their eyes getting impatient with him. "What is this place and why are we here?" Clark asked, not in the mood for all this secrecy.
The door slowly opened, and they walked inside a massive space and there before them were two large screens encompassing several walls. The images looked familiar to Clark and then it hit him. They were numerous alien creatures from his home planet. It must be some type of simulation, he thought. Utterly fascinated by the images, Clark blinked several times, afraid he might be imagining it. "What is that?"
Out of the corner of her eye, Lois glanced at Clark and wondered about his expression. Only she could see that he was definitely intrigued.
"Ever since I was a little boy, I've been utterly obsessed with extra-terrestrials," Lex responded. He pushed several buttons of a pedestal and the images shifted, and before them were individuals dressed as Kryptonians from the images that his Father Jor-El had shown him. "With my wormhole technology, I was the only one who was able to track the aliens and where they had come from."
Lois spoke up then. "Why are you showing this to us?"
"Ms. Lane, haven't you figured it out yet?" He pointed to the images. "I'm the only one who can save the human race," he answered. Lex walked over to the console again, placed his hand on it, then suddenly images appeared of Clark in the suit flying all over Metropolis doing what he was born to do, help people.
"Oh, no," Lois whispered, stunned by the images before them. "How did you do that?"
Clark could feel his eyes begin to burn hot. He closed his eyes tightly.
Lex continued. "He truly is a remarkable specimen. I'm been watching and calibrating the natural abilities that he's demonstrated thus far. The flying of course, the inhuman hearing abilities, x-ray vision, his muscles, and his strength are unreadable at this level, but it's all superficial right now." He turned to them. "Now where do you suppose someone like him came from?"
"Lex, don't you read newspapers? It's all in my article," Lois said but refrained from rolling her eyes.
"Don't you see?" Lex asked surprised they couldn't figure out where he was going with this. The next shocking image appeared an image of Clark on a slab dead, dissected like a frog. "There's so much more to learn."
Shocked and revolted, Lois gasped and turned her head then she pulled Clark's arm. He was stiff as a board and Lois was afraid he would lunge for him, but she had to ask Lex a few questions to distract him. "What has Superman ever done to you, Lex? Why would you want to hurt him?"
He stared at them as if they'd both lost their minds. "He's an alien. He almost brought utter destruction down upon us. Who's to say that it won't happen again?"
"Lex, he saved us from the Kryptonians, or have you forgotten? If not for him, we would all be dead. You should count yourself lucky all of this wasn't destroyed or maybe it should have been. I have to wonder what people would say if they knew what you were planning." Lois was angry and totally sickened by him, to have this much power and to use it for this madness. She was shaking she was so angry.
Regaining his composure, Clark pulled her close to her side. "Did you think we would be on your side with this insanity?"
"It's not insanity. We have to protect ourselves. Who's to say there aren't more of them, and this," he pointed to the dead alien, "this is the only way." Lex explained it to them.
Lois shook her head at him. He refused to see the truth. "Superman is on our side. Surely, you know that." She was sure of this.
"You've living in a dream world. The Army agrees, or should I say your Father agrees," Lex taunted her.
Lois gasped. "My Father is just concerned about me, and I'll explain it to him. You are the one that should be stopped, not Superman. Come on, Clark, we have a story to write."
Lex stopped them with his next words. "I know you helped the Contessa escape. Tell me where she is Kent, or you will regret it."
Clark wasn't intimidated. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Have a nice day." They left him staring after them.
Once in the elevator, Clark knew the truth now. Lex didn't remember him, but then he couldn't get those sickening images out of his mind, one in particular was now burned into his consciousness, and it would take a long time to forget it if he ever would.
Lois knew what he was thinking. "We will stop him, Clark, we will."
He pulled her close, closed his eyes, determined to stop Lex. "Count on it."
Song Inspiration: By Your Side, Sade.
A/N: Good news: Lex doesn't remember him. I went back and forth about that, but then I decided that it would be more compelling if he didn't remember. Sam hasn't put it together either. Now, the bad news: I won't be updating this story until after the July 4th holiday. I'm so sorry, but plots need to be plotted. And as you all know, MOS premieres later this week (you'll find me in the theater a few times), then I'm headed to the beach the following week. This story will continue; count on it. I won't abandon it. I truly hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading everyone and enjoy the holiday. Reviews are love.