The March Mini-Challenge
March!!! Spring is on the way!!! Let's do something a little different this month. There are a lot of fanworks out there that draw their inspiration from other fanworks. This month's theme is Linked Fanworks! Let's follow the breadcrumbs and leave twice the feedback, one for the fanart, and one for the original.
The Challenge
Over and above your usual Friday Feedback (or whatever your personal weekly goal is), find FOUR fanworks that are in some way linked to other fanworks and leave comments for BOTH fanworks (this is EIGHT comments total). Anywhere you find a fanwork that says that someone used another fanwork for their inspiration, follow the link back, experience the original fanwork, and leave feedback for both. Some examples of this might be (but are not limited to):
--A fic remix of another fic
-Art based on fic
-Fic based on art
-Podfic of fic
-Cover Art or Podbooks created for Podfic
-Vids based on fic
-Vids based on art
-Fic based on vids
This challenge runs through the end of March. If you wish to participate in it, just comment to this post, and check the box on
the spreadsheet when you finish.
Need to alter this? As with everything for this comm, you can alter this to suit your needs. Just keep with the spirit of the challenge and we're all good!!! ♥