What the fuck is a dentist?? Though its of course terribly good to hear you have a toothbrush somewhere. I imagine brushing takes quite a, er, bit of time.
Another one? Cor, you look different from the others, but. They look more.. human, I suppose? One of them is a midget who can crap icicles or something, if Im not mistaken, but thats about as interesting as it gets. You're more what I expected for a Death God.
Yessir. Sirius is a part of canis major, the brightest star in the bunch. It also happens to be my name. My family was a bit odd about names, stars, planets, that sort of shit. I can tell you though, if I ever manage to produce any beastly little hellspawn, Im sure as fuck not naming the poor sprog Borealis or something.
What are you, mate? All due respect, of course. I have nothing but the utmost love for all the creatures on merlin's green earth, etc etc.
Except for orangutans.
..Fucking wankers.
me? shinigami. death god. definitely not an orangutan.
isn't sirius the name of a star somewhere?
Another one? Cor, you look different from the others, but. They look more.. human, I suppose? One of them is a midget who can crap icicles or something, if Im not mistaken, but thats about as interesting as it gets. You're more what I expected for a Death God.
Yessir. Sirius is a part of canis major, the brightest star in the bunch. It also happens to be my name. My family was a bit odd about names, stars, planets, that sort of shit. I can tell you though, if I ever manage to produce any beastly little hellspawn, Im sure as fuck not naming the poor sprog Borealis or something.
What do they call you??
oh. are you talking about the ones named after that human cleaner stuff? i don't know if they're real shinigami. they say they are but...
heh. borealis.
ryuk. or ryuku, if you're japanese. i don't think you are though.
that sounds weird.
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