Fic: Call Me Some Time

Jul 08, 2009 15:13

Title: Call Me Some Time
Characters: Roger Federer & Andy Roddick.
Rated: R for harsh language

Notes: This takes place about a week after Wimbledon. A phone conversation between Roger and Andy. Andy has issues. Andy's parts are big because I imagine him pretty much shouting through his part of the conversation.


my fic

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Comments 12

girlspell July 8 2009, 19:43:54 UTC
LOL..Hilarious. And yes, I can see that happening. ROFL.

Love it!


fedal_fangirl July 8 2009, 19:58:37 UTC
~ whew! ~

I was hoping the humor would come through. Thank you so much for commenting. XD


screamingchair July 8 2009, 20:41:19 UTC
I don't really think Andy's such a sore loser but... That was funny. xD I think that the moment when you can really feel humor is Roger's reaction and then Andy going back to ranting. Like it was an average day and normal talk on the phone between them. Probably third that day. ;D


fedal_fangirl July 9 2009, 12:31:38 UTC
...Andy going back to ranting. Like it was an average day and normal talk on the phone between them. Probably third that day.

Yes! That's exactly what I had in mind!


screamingchair July 9 2009, 18:37:07 UTC
Also, really, *speaking seriously here* people get angry at Federer because he won with Andy for the third time in final, it's as if they've forgotten such words as Rafael Nadal and Roland Gaross.

And can you explain the buzz about the jacket? I kinda do not know what's it about and you do not seem to be taking the final too seriously, so... Yeah, could you?


fedal_fangirl July 9 2009, 19:59:40 UTC
Andy played great. Roger played greater. Roger did exactly what he was there to do: play to win. What did people expect, that he would roll over and let Andy win this one just 'cause he hasn't won Wimbledon before? That's a load of crap.

And the jacket is getting blown out of proportion too. When an American football team wins the Superbowl, they will IMMEDIATELY put on shirts that proclaim their victory. Those shirts were made well ahead of time, with the hope of winning. That's the same thing here, IMHO. Team Nike had that jacket made with the hope that Roger would win. And he did. And he wore it. And he looked totally hot while doing it.

Now, about that gold man purse... that was over the top. XD


bronze_ribbons July 8 2009, 20:46:39 UTC
Roger's ability to focus on the essentials ("what was that message you want me to give to Rafa?") is never to be underestimated! *grin-snicker*


fedal_fangirl July 9 2009, 12:32:17 UTC
It always comes back to Rafa. Always. XD


screamingchair July 9 2009, 18:43:50 UTC
Haven't thought of that but you make a vital point here, lady! xD

Also the skill to get on Roddick's nerves with simple things such as "Let me take you off speaker phone. ... Ok, Andy, I'm back. Mirka says Hi." is precious. ♥


okmewriting July 8 2009, 20:49:51 UTC
Hee! Hilarious. I can see this happening and Andy ending his rant with "Why the fuck can't I hate you?" before hanging up.


fedal_fangirl July 9 2009, 12:32:56 UTC
"Why the fuck can't I hate you?"

Yes! Perfect ending!


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