Ten Steps... Toronto style

Aug 07, 2010 08:17

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Ten steps to a Urban Legend Fedal Final.

10. Rafa must win his semi match.

9. Roger must win his semi match.

8. Rafa must win his quarters match.

7. Roger must win his quarters match against Berdych.

6. Rafa must win his 3rd round match Anderson.

5. Roger must win his 3rd round match against Llodra. DONE

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2010: rogers cup, fedal

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Comments 2

elbow3 August 9 2010, 17:29:18 UTC
Thanks again, Fedal_fangirl, for the nice list ! It's so good to have someone who NEVER gives up on them. We all hope for a fedal final of course, although it wouldn't surprise me that Roger means serious business in Canada and Rafa, well, maybe he would be pleased if Roger won this one. who knows ? :)


elbow3 August 16 2010, 14:07:56 UTC
Since pics of the two of them are so rare, I'd like to post one here, I'v found on the net. Rafa watching the semi final of his Roger vs Djokovic. Follow the link :


And enjoy it :)


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