O Hai There! I'm Shutting Down This LJ...

Jun 16, 2010 20:18

* * * *

Not completely. Not yet, anyway.

I'm moving my toys over to tumblr. You can find me at Forty Love. I'm not exactly sure how tumblr works, but I'll be playing around with it, posting here and there, getting a feel for it ( Read more... )

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Comments 11

rogandraf June 17 2010, 19:14:43 UTC
Not to get too personal, but do you think that tumblr will be better or easier to work with than LiveJournal?

I find LG okay but terribly frustrating when trying to upload fics, which should be easy. LJ never seems to preserve the formatting, even when I save docs as Word 2003 instead of Word 2007. Of course, it might help if my fics weren't 20,000 words+ and 85 pages long!

I will definitely check out your new blog. :)


rogandraf June 17 2010, 19:15:24 UTC
Oh fudge, I meant LJ, not LG.


fedal_fangirl June 19 2010, 12:47:22 UTC
I haven't played enough with tumbler to know all that it can do. But it does seem to be easier to load a pic. I haven't tried loading multiple pics at a time.

You are right about the formating. It's frustrating for me too, and I don't even post that much written stuff.

speaking of fic... are you currently working on one of those 85 page stories? Hope so! XD


rogandraf June 19 2010, 23:28:01 UTC
Yes. Roommate is already around 85 pages. It's lots of dialogue, but still, that's a lot to upload. I'm saving bits in Word 2003 format and uploading them to LJ as I can. :)


lops06 June 18 2010, 15:54:16 UTC
:O does this mean you are deleting your account??

but i too, will definitely check your new blog once in a while :)


fedal_fangirl June 19 2010, 12:48:08 UTC
No deleting! That much I promise. XD


elbow3 June 18 2010, 17:37:47 UTC
Please, do let us know when you're planning to shut up your account. Thanks ! I too have already put your blog as "my favourites". Good luck with your new blog !


fedal_fangirl June 19 2010, 12:50:11 UTC
I won't delete this LJ, just stop posting to it so much. I find myself totally obsessing over the internet, searching for pictures, uploading them to photobucket, transfering them to LJ... whew! It takes up way tooo much time, but it is so much fun. I'm hoping with tumblr I can get myself into the habit of choosing just a few pretty pictures, instead of 300. XD


_nereis_ June 19 2010, 02:01:52 UTC
tumlr has been eating my brain lately, so i totally understand you xD it's so easy for just post pics and silly things :)

i'm alrealy following you!


fedal_fangirl June 19 2010, 12:55:39 UTC
...its so easy

Yeah, that's what I'm liking about tumblr. Also, I'm hoping it will encourage me to post 1 or 2 pics, instead of 500. XD

It's a lot of work to track down pics, upload to photobucket, post to lj, etc. Fun! but maybe there are other things I should be using my time for... like finding that cure for cancer or world peace, you know?


rogandraf June 20 2010, 14:54:53 UTC
Lovin' Forty Love! :)


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