Just becauase I can...

Dec 30, 2008 05:18

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pretty, jura, roger

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Comments 8

maribella008 December 30 2008, 18:11:18 UTC
Hi there you -

I can't remember where I saw it over on the comm, but I think I remember you saying you were looking for a satellite feed for the New Year's tournament in Dubai. Have you checked out Masters Series TV or justin.tv?

(I didn't leave this by your most recent post b/c I figured it wouldn't necessarily be apropos under Rafalos - 'specially since Carlos isn't playing in Dubai.)


fedal_fangirl December 30 2008, 20:25:14 UTC
I used justin.tv over the last few months, when I couldn't find a tv broadcast. It works ok, but the last match I watched (Roger and someone I can't remember), I had a hard time getting a 'station' to come in (it kept buffering).

I had forgotten about the Masters Series TV! Thank you for that reminder. I think louiselux had said she used it and it worked well.


maribella008 December 31 2008, 20:17:10 UTC
At the risk of being a little oblique, I read your comment. You have a (slightly time-sensitive, possibly?) PM.


fedal_fangirl January 1 2009, 14:47:05 UTC
Your obliqueness has been noted, and responded to. XD


somarem December 30 2008, 22:27:37 UTC
Yes you can...

So I'm hijacking your entry with the collection. Click to enlarge

... )


fedal_fangirl January 1 2009, 14:45:35 UTC
I could curl up in this man's lap and die a happy person. Isn't he just-too-pretty?? I especially love the Jura campaign. I don't know what the official advertising lingo would be, but there's just something about the use of the brown color background, the muted colors he's wearing, his f*cking hair...

~ swooon ~

I added the 'making of the commercial' vid. Did you see it?


somarem January 1 2009, 22:22:12 UTC
I added the 'making of the commercial' vid. Did you see it?
yes, and thank you.


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