OOC: Character Directory

Jun 11, 2012 10:30

Current as of: 12/2/2010

Since several anons have asked about which characters are taken and who's still available, I decided to make this list as a reference. It includes every RPer who has been active for the past month (or so) and has not posted an official statement of leaving.

For a list of characters still up for grabs, see this entry by the wonderful Tenenbaum.

If your name is not on this list, comment so I can add you. :D

Andrew Ryan - nogodsnokings
Anya Andersdotter - notanassassin
Atlas - not_a_liberator
Becky Langford - shedonedidbecky
Brigid Tenenbaum - gaensemutter
Diane McClintock - luvsicklipstick
Faith Farthingworth - buriedintea
Frank Fontaine 1 - bigbaldbronco
-Frank Fontaine 2 - fontyfullmonty
Hector Rodriguez - liquorlullaby
Jack Ryan/Wynand - 1st_protagonist
-Evil Jack - jackfuckingryan
-Neutral Jack - dangerouswclubs
Johnny - meantnotrespass
Julie Langford - virgintoryan
J.S. Steinman - drscalpelslut
Kyburz - fuckingbombs
Kyle Fitzpatrick - i_hate_dynamite
Moira Atlas - mepoormoira
Pablo Navarro - hackthecity
Paparazzi - hideyersecrets
Patrick Atlas - nonexistent_son
Peach Wilkins - greatchainmyass
Pierre Gobbi - waterinwine
Sander Cohen 1 - fuckingdoubters
-Sander Cohen 2 - whyevenask
Saturnine Cult Member - sexwithstraw
Silas Cobb - silasonthecobb
-Silas Cobb 2 - kittenmagnet
Sullivan - insecurity_man
Yi Suchong - drillthis

Bioshock 2
Amir - dawgeater
Augustus Sinclair - suspendin
-Augustus Sinclair 2 - fingerinyourpie
-Augustus Sinclair 3 - oneforthe_money
Ava Tate - theatreisdead
"Big Kate" O' Malley - attnworkers
Billy Parson - yelloweyedgirls
Carlson Fiddle - oldsheepdog
Daniel Wales - dozenfeckndoves
Eleanor Lamb (evil version) - a_fucking_wolf
-Eleanor Lamb (good version) - meaningbychoice
Gil Alexander - urfuckingfired
Dr. James Hollcroft - stiffcollar
Jamie Byass - justcallmestars
Murphy - betacoefficient
Nina Carnegie - fordemchildren
Prentice Mill - waitinferatrain
Sofia Lamb - toilerpaperhair
Stanley Poole - poole_party
Subject Delta - forcedmirror

Bioshock 2 Multiplayer
Barbara Johnson - splicedwife
Buck Raleigh - ivegotthebeetus
Jacob Norris - fearmyblowtorch
Louie McGraff - deadtinwalking
Mlle Blanche de Glace - misswhiteice
Suresh Sheti - wannaseeadick

Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den
Jack McClendon - mechadong5000
Pearl Porter - diving_for_me
Reed Wahl - wahl-e
Robotic Little Sister - littleautomaton
Subject Sigma - eighteenth_sum
The Thinker - iseeallknowall

Something in the Sea
Benny Stango - notbythebook
Celeste Roget - inoursolitude
Mark Meltzer - dadonamission
Phil Isidore - iheartufos

Splicer Models
Baby Jane:
-Franka Well - baldyjane
-Hallie Roscoe - babbyjane
-Terry Robins - hellomybabby
-Roger Kirkpatrick - breadloser (srs journal - roses_for_roger)
-David Walsh - junglesavage
-Henry Ackers - madeitfirst
-Kenneth Waley - kentard
-Rudy Braddock - ceilingsplicer
-Russell Williams - notazobie
-Wesley Walters - feelinyaup
-Donald Eidelburg - imjustlonely
-Trudy Pritchard - wheresyoheadat
Lady Smith:
-Pamela - icebehindyou
-Lawrence Kendrick - alwaysfumbling
Plaster Splicer:
-Marlene Boutin - gettinplastered
-Gizi Csorba - notasled
-Walter Morgan - ladiesman1959
-Waders - hammerandgong

Big Daddies, Big Sisters, and Little Sisters
Alpha Series:
-Mu - theyneverfit (aka Aaron Crane - not_neverland)
-Zeta - justonealpha
-Iota - lookwhati_cando
Big Sister:
-Marsha - dady_issus
-Antonia - getyadeathsuit
-Señor Burbujas - senorburbujas
-Bouncer #2 - projectexlax
-Lance - lancelancer
Little Sister:
-Mary - lillipoppy
-Abigail - rubydrool
-Charlotte - rosiesnsunshine
-Chloe - lolololangels
-Rosie - riveturrapture
-Theta - rootvariance

Bioshock Infinite
Booker DeWitt - birdholes
-Booker DeWitt 2 - crowholes
Elizabeth - damselinthesky
Handyman (aka Sir Pringles) - pringlesbot
Saltonstall - foeorfriend

Miscellaneous/Crack Characters
Amano/Older Brother - hey_bro_hey
Cobra - friggincobra
Dalton (AU Delta) - son_of_lamb
Dusty Jay (Evil Jack's kid) - daddysneverhere
Fontaine Ditto, aka Dittaine - dittaine
Hello Kitty - dathurroneko
Jack's Hand - allinyourhand
James Dean - jimfuckindean
Lamb's Hair Roll - apileofhair
Little Brother - scrapped_idea
Marlon Brando - dat_brando
Nagina (Toasty's kid, "Naggy") - najayjay
Peacock - majesticbitch
PETA Crazies - petacrazies
Philote's Pass Hotel - philotespass
Radio - bzztstaticbzzt
Richardson the Shark - yesmisteralex
Spongebob - omfgpineapples
Stanley Kowalski - dat_kowalski
Teddy Bear - demcuteteddy
Terrence (Nina's helper) - helpnotrequired
Unstable Teleport Plasmid - teleportplasmid


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