Title: Fundamentals of Chemistry
Fandom/Pairing: Community, Troy/Annie
Rating: PG
Summary: "What's up with Annie lately?" Troy asks. It's been on his mind for a few days now, this something-different-about-Annie, and it seems worth the risk of asking the group as a whole.
Length: 6,000 words.
Notes: Written for the Yuletide 2009 challenge.
After Annie leaves the study group early, Troy looks around the room and taps his notebook with a pencil. )
Comments 20
Also, I love your icon!
I remember reading this over at Yuletide and loving it so much, but felt bad because I couldn't comment due to having no idea how to.
So, I just want to tell you that I loved this. Especially the scene where Abed compares Annie and Troy to Ross and Rachel on Friends. (And Jeff/Britta to Dave/Maddie on Moonlighting. It felt so in-character for the both of them!
Thank you again for taking the time to comment, and I love your icon!
That line was just a perfect way to describe Annie's relationship with Troy, that line alone would have made this story great, but everything about it was absolutely wonderful from start to finish. I can think of nothing that was the least bit superfluous, it all flowed perfectly and had an amazing feel to it.
Reading this has totally made my day. Thanks so much for sharing!
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