That Turned Out Darker Than Planned

Mar 09, 2010 23:04

1, 2, and 3 are fighting together in a war. Who are they fighting against, what would bring them to the same side?

Germany, Canada and Prussia.

Prussia didn't want to lift his head up. He felt more secure than he had in years, and that of itself seemed wrong because they were at war. France and Russia had allied against Germany, dragging Poland and many of the other Eastern European countries with them. America refused to get involved but Canada had watched as Prussia had railed and ranted and swore to protect his brother no matter what happened. The North American nation had followed Prussia, and now the three of them stood against two fronts. If they survived this, Prussia never wanted to hear the words "War on Two Fronts" ever again, but with the help of Canada they were almost making it. Until that is Russia staged an invasion of the North American country...

England hadn't said a word in years, and America wouldn't leave his side, not even to fight for his brother, not even to fight against Russia. Prussia would never know what drove France to side with Russia and he figured that was best. But it had started World War III, and all of Canada's pleas to his brother fell on deaf ears.

Tightening his grip on Canada's waist and hearing the steady sound of Germany's breathing behind him, he swore that no matter what he wouldn't let them lose. He couldn't go back to Russia again, he couldn't leave Germany again, and he couldn't stand to see Canada beaten and broken. He would bring all hell down upon the entire Earth before letting go of the two people he loved.

He had a chance to be happy for the first time in hundreds of years with his two lovers and no one was taking that away from him, no matter how far he had to sink to keep them safe.

(OKAY, THIS ONE. I've been plotting a Germany/Prussia/Canada threesome for ages. WWIII seems to have done it and this could turn into a very epic fic if I ever have time to write an epic fic again.)

4 and 5 are in a relationship when 6 walks in and complicates the situation. How do they complicate the situation, are they an antagonistic force that brings 4 and 5 closer together, or do they create a love triangle?

Russia, Nightwing and Batman

Dick slowly walked into the room where Bruce had retreated after walking in on his apartment to find Ivan over. "Bruce," he said, shutting the door behind him.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Bruce demanded, unable to keep the Batman from slipping into his voice.

"How much does it matter what I'm thinking?" Dick crossed his arms and leaned against the door. "Isn't it enough that he makes me happy?"

"He?" Bruce didn't sound like he believed it. "He makes you happy?"

"More than you ever tried to," Dick snapped, anger coiling in his chest. "At least he tries."

"He's bad for you."

"No more than you ever were."

"I never--"Bruce started and then stopped. It felt like there was ice in the room between them. "I never touched you. I never..."

Dick stared at him impassively for a moment. "That... I know. You think I wouldn't know that?"

For a moment Bruce didn't know how to respond. "Did... did you want me too?"

Dick shrugged. "Hardly matters now. But you do not get to take the high road with me or tell me who's good for me. I risk my life every night for other people's happiness and I'm taking some of it for myself. Have a good night, Bruce," he added, slamming the door on his way out.

Long after he left, Bruce just stared at the door, unable to move or even think coherently.

(This also has a lot of potential to turn into more).

7 and 8 kill each other in a duel. What circumstances led to this?

Spock and Revan.

Revan looked at the still form of the pointed eared alien in front of him. "You should have listened. I won't let anyone stop me. You shouldn't have tried."

He sighed heavily and stepped over the body to the door the Vulcan had tried to protect. How he thought he'd stand up to a Sith Lord, he wouldn't know. But he had apparently thought what was beyond the door worth protecting as much as Revan needed it.

(Okay, they didn't kill each other, because I just couldn't see Spock having the ability to take on Revan. Oops.)

15 saves the world, how do they manage it? What are their motives?

Simon Tam: He's save it through science! Or, more specifically, he'd stop the massive plague with his medical genius. He'd either do it because he's Simon and that's what he does, or because River was in any sort of danger. :D No fic for this one. Ah well...

prussia, star wars, nightwing, hetalia, batman, fanfiction, star trek, fandom

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