Hehehe, I wanted to ask whether it was natural or not, but didn't want to seem rude, so thanks for divulging! Maybe you don't see it as miraculous, and I'm not one to pull the Fate or It-Was-All-a-Plan Card, but this just really is amazing! Is it unusual to have both identical and fraternal triplets?
Identicals and a fraternal? Wow... I think that makes sense though. It's happening to you, so for you it's just a fact of life. For everyone else, it's pretty amazing. Especially now that fertility treatments are so widespread that most multiples are not natural.
I'm so happy for you! Do you get on yahoo or anything like that anymore? I know you must be crazy busy with Kian and a new pregnancy, but I'd love the chance to catch up with you.
I finally get around to congratulating you HERE! Congrats again. My mom's a nurse and she showed me how people can tell on ultrasounds what flavour babies are. But a word of warning, the ultrasounds aren't 100% according to her.
Comments 4
I'm so happy for you! Do you get on yahoo or anything like that anymore? I know you must be crazy busy with Kian and a new pregnancy, but I'd love the chance to catch up with you.
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