Fri, 22:35: RT @ ahaveland: #Arctic Death Spiral - Jan 2017 average vol: 14,695 km³ (last year 17,234 km³, prev record: 2012 15,862 km³). This is shocki…
Wed, 12:34: RT @ Viqsin: 1/12 My statement of principles on Trump "buyer's remorse" and how to address it, for non-Trump voters, in Twitter thread form:
Sun, 14:19: @ TransLink I like the changes you made to the 5 & 6 routes, especially having trolley buses all the way to the Canada Line on Davie. Cheers!
Sun, 16:49: RT @ EFF: If US border agents asked you to provide social media information or access to your digital devices or cloud content, contact info…