Marvel Cinematic Universe: Buffet #4, "Overwhelming"

May 21, 2015 22:46

Title: Winding Up To Wind Down
Author: salmon_pink
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Clint/Pietro
Table: Buffet #4, prompt "overwhelming"
Rating: NC-17
Words: 497
Notes: Spoilers for Avengers: Age Of Ultron, felching, set after Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Clint’s not a young man any more, and even if he was, no way he’d be able to keep up with the kid’s crazy metabolism.

So he doesn’t try. He fingers Pietro senseless, makes him come with a thumb up his ass and Clint’s mouth on his balls, gets him off once, sometimes twice, before Clint even thinks about fucking him. Goes just as slow as he wants, because it drives Pietro up the wall, makes him thrash and snarl and claw at Clint’s shoulders, before the noises break, before they turn into helpless little whines and gasps as Clint finally pushes inside that tight little ass.

He’s gotten used to Pietro coming more than once while Clint’s still drilling him into the mattress. Every second stretches out so long for the kid, it’s no wonder the slide of Clint’s cock, the drag of slick skin against his rim is enough to make him buck and spill all over himself before Clint can even get a hand between Pietro’s legs.

The brat stays so damn hard, even after the third orgasm, after the fourth. Incoherent by that point, and maybe Clint kind of likes the kid’s smart mouth, maybe he missed it so fucking much it hurt when Pietro was gone, when he was lying motionless on a slab and the only one of them refusing to give up hope for a miracle was Wanda.

Maybe Clint likes it when Pietro’s snapping and sneering at him, but he likes this more, when Pietro’s whimpering, head hanging low, bite marks criss-crossing the back of his neck. Asshole puffy and red and used, and Clint won’t be up for another round tonight, but damn he wishes he could be.

He reaches forward, hands on the meat of Pietro’s ass, spreading him wide.

Fuck, the noises Pietro makes.

His skin’s shiny, from lube, from Clint’s come. Clint spreads him wider, enough that it’s got to be aching a little, but Pietro just moans for it, arms shaking as he struggles not to collapse forward against the mattress.

Clint’s thumb slides between Pietro’s cheeks, pulls down a bit at the edge of his hole, heartbeat stuttering as Pietro keens and trembles. Thick drop of come slipping out of him, rolling down Pietro’s cleft so slow, Pietro babbling nonsense as Clint watches the movement.

Can’t help leaning forward, licking a line up Pietro’s ass, come on Clint's tongue. Sealing his mouth over Pietro’s hole, sucking enough to get more of that taste, skin and come and sex, Pietro repeating his name over and over like a prayer.

Clint can’t keep up with the kid, but he can give him this. After all, he knows from experience it’s going to take at least another orgasm before the kid settles down enough to sleep through the night.

Hey, Clint’s not a young man anymore, he needs his beauty sleep. So he’s doing them both a favour, fucking in with his tongue until Pietro sobs.

author: salmon_pink, marvel cinematic universe

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