Marvel Cinematic Universe: Buffet #4, "Peace"

Apr 26, 2015 16:40

Title: Four In A Bed
Author: salmon_pink
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Clint/Natasha/Laura
Table: Buffet #4, prompt "peace"
Rating: NC-17
Words: 495
Notes: Spoilers for Avengers: Age Of Ultron, threesome, set before Avengers: Age Of Ultron

“We had a deal,” Natasha reminds him, looking smug as hell.

Okay, she’s got a point. But that deal was made something like two years ago, and Clint was pretty damn drunk. So was Laura, for that matter. That means it totally doesn’t count.

Except of course it does, and Clint sighs, dropping back against the pillows.

“You said since I snapped you out of Loki’s control, my reward was naming your next child. So it’s up to me, fair and square.” She already knows she has him, he can hear it in her voice.

“Fine, fine, you win.”

Natasha makes a pleased humming sound, hand sliding over Laura’s stomach. She’s only just starting to show, barely into her fourth month, but Laura’s already got that aura around her that Clint remembers from her previous pregnancies. This glow of contentment and pride, and Clint watches as her fingers lace with Natasha’s, both rubbing soothing circles against Laura’s skin.

“Hi, baby Natasha,” Natasha coos in the most precious voice she can manage, and Laura sniggers when Clint rolls his eyes.

“Here’s hoping she doesn’t grow up to be a brat, like her namesake,” Laura teases, and Natasha laughs and kisses her quiet, straddling Laura’s lap and pushing her back into the mattress.

“Oi,” Clint grumbles, rolling toward them, fingers trailing down Natasha’s bare back. “You steal my baby’s name, now you’re trying to steal my wife?”

Natasha pauses long enough to give him a wicked grin, and then she’s kissing Laura even harder, one hand sliding up to massage her breast, hips rocking down. Making a show of it, and Clint growls, pushes up on to his knees so he can bite at her shoulder, hearing her moan get lost in Laura’s mouth.

He catches Laura’s eye when Natasha moves down to nibble at her neck, leans forward, chest pressing against Natasha’s side, kisses Laura deep and hungry. Hand slipping between Natasha’s legs from behind, until he reach Laura that way, slide his fingers across her cunt, feel how wet she still is from the last round, from having Natasha’s mouth on her.

Natasha rides the buck of Laura’s hips, reaching back to rake her nails through Clint’s hair as she kisses Laura’s throat.

“You keep spoiling me like this, I’m gonna wish I was pregnant all the time,” Laura murmurs, drawing another moan out of Natasha as she cups her cunt. Spreading her legs across the sheets, forcing Natasha’s to spread with her where Natasha’s still straddling her.

“You should be,” Natasha agrees, arching as Laura’s fingers push inside her. “Try for a Natasha the Second after this one.”

“Wouldn’t that be Natasha the Third?” Clint quips. Laura pinches his nipple in retaliation, and they both giggle at his yelp.

They can’t stay long. The Avengers are closing in on Strucker, and he and Natasha will be called back to the fight soon.

But, God, it makes these moments of peace all the more perfect.

author: salmon_pink, marvel cinematic universe

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