Marvel Cinematic Universe: Buffet #4, "Danger"

Apr 25, 2015 23:04

Title: Infatuazione Pericoloso
Author: salmon_pink
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Fisk/Vanessa/Wesley
Table: Buffet #4, prompt "danger"
Rating: NC-17
Words: 498
Notes: Spoilers for Daredevil, BDSM, threesome, whipping

Wesley’s been a loyal assistant to Fisk for years. More than that, he’s been a friend.

A lover, even, when Fisk has had the need. It hasn’t happened often, and if Wesley is honest with himself, he’s wished it would happen more.

But Fisk is a tempestuous man, a roiling storm beneath the surface, dangerously so, and it is a mark of his respect and care for Wesley that he has hesitated in allowing himself to be drawn too deeply into their physical relationship.

Fisk longs to dominate in all things, and he succeeds in most. His passion, however, can be brutal, and he has made it clear he does not wish to hurt Wesley.

Sometimes Wesley wants to be hurt. Wants to feel Fisk’s power washing over him, huge hands on his skin like iron. But Fisk’s emotional comfort means more to him than his own needs, and so he has gratefully accepted those rare nights Fisk has called for him without pressuring for more.

That’s changed now.

Vanessa. She’s changed everything.

She settles something within Fisk. He has a control when he is with her, in even his most fierce moments.

Vanessa will not allow him to push too far, to grow sloppy or reckless in his lust. She shows him a way to touch, a way to both give and take pleasure through another person’s pain without breaking them.

She is exquisite, and Wesley is happy to fall to his knees before her.

Her hands are gentle in his hair, although the bite of her riding crop has left stinging pink marks across his back. He’ll feel them beneath his suit tomorrow, sat across from Fisk in the car, those dark and insightful eyes upon him, knowing that Fisk too will be reliving this moment.

“Touch him,” Vanessa murmurs, and Fisk’s fingers cradle Wesley’s jaw, tilt his head back slowly.

He’s seen Fisk crush a man’s throat with his bare hands with breathtaking ease. But he is not afraid. And with Vanessa here, Fisk is unafraid as well.

“Show him,” Vanessa says, and Fisk draws out the thick length of his cock from his robe. Prying Wesley’s mouth open with his thumb, although they both know that he has only to ask. But the action makes Wesley’s eyelids flutter, to be manipulated so casually.

“You will pleasure Wilson,” Vanessa instructs, voice low and sultry. “And then you will use that clever mouth on me.”

Wesley swallows, jaw held open as Fisk drags the head of his cock against Wesley’s lower lip.

“Take him, my love,” Vanessa whispers, and Fisk’s cock fills him, thrusting into his mouth with one smooth motion. Wesley hears himself moan, eyes rolling, his own cock pulsing with want.

Vanessa strokes the marks upon his back in praise as he opens his throat to the intrusion.

The tantalising danger of Fisk’s power remains, but it is reined now by Vanessa’s presence.

In a way, that makes her the most dangerous of all.

author: salmon_pink, marvel cinematic universe

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