Marvel Cinematic Universe: Buffet #4, "Deception"

Apr 19, 2015 19:36

Title: Little Red Lies
Author: salmon_pink
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing: Foggy/Matt
Table: Buffet #4, prompt "deception"
Rating: R
Words: 497
Notes: Spoilers for Daredevil, angst, set during Nelson v. Murdock

It’s a betrayal. Which makes no sense, because a blind man being able to see should be a miracle, a celebration. But it’s such a fucking betrayal, because Matt’s been lying to him since the day they met, and Foggy feels torn up and knocked down, and no matter how much he swallows around it, the lump of anger in his throat just won’t go away.

Matt can see.

Foggy doesn’t know what a world on fire looks like, right now he doesn’t care. Because Matt may not see the world the same way Foggy does, but he can see.

And that’s not even the worst part.

Because Matt’s ‘abilities’, or whatever the hell he wants to call them, mean that Matt can tell when he’s lying. He’s always been able to tell when Foggy’s lying.

He can hear it, apparently, in the way Foggy’s heartbeat picks up, can probably smell the sweat starting at the back of his neck, feel the telltale hitch of his breathing.

God, Foggy’s such an idiot, to have trusted this man.

Back in college, after that first drunken brush of their lips, Foggy’s voice pitching higher when he shrugged it off, joked about inevitable sexual experimentation as part of the college experience, so secretly relieved to hear Matt’s easy laugh.

Then there was the next time, no way to deny that was a real kiss, Matt’s hands tight in his hair. Foggy’d said it was no big deal, even with his face burning hot, flushed from the kiss, from just looking at how stupidly beautiful Matt was behind those unreadable black lenses.

Kisses giving way to more over time, to the feel of stubble under his lips, pressing Matt into the mattress. Always insisting it was two friends just helping each other out, even with Matt kneeling between his spread legs, even with his mouth pressed to Matt’s shoulder and his fingers tight around Matt’s cock. Naked skin on naked skin, and Foggy lied through it all, to Matt, to himself.

And Matt knew.

He damn well knew all those promises Foggy made that they were just friends, that the heat between them was only a convenience between girlfriends, that it was nothing but sex, they were all a fucking lie.

And then there’d been the day Foggy ended it. They weren’t in college anymore, he had Marci, they needed to let it go, chalk it up to youthful exuberance or some shit. At least, that’s how he pitched it.

Feeling guilty for how damn glad he was that Matt couldn’t see him, shaking and pale and wrecked.

And Matt, voice quiet and carefully neutral, had asked, “Are you sure?”

The bastard knew Foggy was lying when he’d said, “Yes.”

Fuck hearing Foggy’s heart speed up - he’d probably heard Foggy’s heart break.

At least that means Matt must recognise the sound now, as it shatters all over again.

He can hear Matt crying as he leaves. Foggy doesn’t look back.

author: salmon_pink, marvel cinematic universe

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