Battle Royale by Koushun Takami In an alternate reality, Japan is no longer Japan but the Republic of Greater East Asia. As part of its oppressive totalitarian regime, every year groups of ninth grade students are forced to participate in The Program-a brutal, dog-eat-dog competition there can only be one winner. After witnessing the murder of
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Comments 3
I liked the multiple perspectives, though - and considering the plot, I'm not sure you could do away with them. I always feel a bit guilty for liking this book so much though, since it is pretty horrid!
I was struggling with how I reacted to the characters, but I'm glad you also thought their depictions were stereotypical. I didn't want to impose all the female, butt-kicking characters in other books I've read, but at the same time, I really couldn't help rolling my eyes every time a male character was surprised a female one would fight back. It's a competition, why the hell wouldn't she!
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