Title: Wild Flowers Author: cheshirejin Rated: G Genre: general beta: kira, thanks girl! Words: 230 summary: Haru contemplates over a field of wildflowers.
*sighs* Beautifully done, Jen! I have a soft for wildflowers too & if I find pretty weeds I leave them be. *is sure my neighbor who fusses over his garden hates that* ;p This really spoke to me!
I would love to see you write more Haru one of these days! ;D
Beautifully written. I can picture this, almost feel it.
Weeds didn’t care to stay in the confines of a flower bed; they tended to go wherever the hell they wanted. They stand out in the rain and the sun where they thrive, even when nobody wants them around; especially when nobody wants them around.
Comments 4
I would love to see you write more Haru one of these days! ;D
Weeds didn’t care to stay in the confines of a flower bed; they tended to go wherever the hell they wanted. They stand out in the rain and the sun where they thrive, even when nobody wants them around; especially when nobody wants them around.
That's my favorite line. It's so like Haru.
Good job!
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