~Daily Meme~ DAY 1

Feb 05, 2011 16:03

Took this meme from abi_manyu and diisa_pinky  :)
I know I'm not really good in updating this kind of thing and even slacking on my fanfic update, but lets just try ne~
I might not be able to update it daily or even get bored half way, but bare with me (^_^)~

Day 01 - A recent picture of you and five interesting facts about you.
Day 02 - The meaning behind your ( Read more... )

~meme~, ~personal~

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Comments 33

trifarashi February 5 2011, 08:11:22 UTC
5) I put on weight easily. I blame it on my sweet-tooth ; ice-cream, chocolate, cakes!!! They are my vices~

this one...u r exactly like my 2nd sis....he can't resist at all....huhuhu....^__^

nice outcome...u look beautiful... ^__^


fazlyn_n February 5 2011, 08:13:20 UTC
I'm not really crazy about rice, but my fast food and sweet-tooth will kill me someday...*sigh*

Thanks for the compliment dear. Its all in the makeup technique. LOL


moon_catcher February 5 2011, 08:26:16 UTC
YOU.ARE.BEAUTIFUL!! The final pic with make-up and hair done *__* now I'm curious how you will look at your own wedding *gets bricked*

2) lol.... I kind of decided my future because of Gilmore Girls so ^_^;;;; yeah, I think I do understand >.< though now I wish I was watching some show where the main character was learning Japanese instead of journalism and literature *sighs*
3) yup, somehow he HAS THE POWER to make us doing things we have never thought of doing before, ne? Oh Kazuuuu~
4) lol no one can expect me to be friendly before 11 am ^_^;;; mornings suck >.<

loool this is going to be such a fun with my f-page filling up with these meme posts!!!


fazlyn_n February 5 2011, 08:48:54 UTC
Gina-chan you are making me blush here...*hide under the blanket*...IF When I get married, I'll definitely share the picture with all...:)

2) Really??? Gilmore Girls??? That is one of my fav series as well. Rory and Lorelai are just darling aren't they. It's crazy isn't it how this series can influence on us. Luckily there was no Prison Break at that time. Wonder what I'll become...LOL

3) I still cant believe how powerful he is in changing my world...But of course I'm not regretting it:)

4) Yeay for another not-a-morning-person!!! My morning start at 10am. :)

Will be waiting for your daily meme as well...hugs


moon_catcher February 5 2011, 23:38:39 UTC
*takes the blanket away*
believe me you don't have to hide yourself at all!!

Rory and Lorelai are awesome and there was a time, there really was, when I used to envy them that kind of mother/daughter friendly relationship and the it kind of turned into me envying Rory because she dated Jess *shot* It's most probably one of the best Western tv shows ever for me... the fact I ordered the whole dvd set of all seasons explains a lot ^_^;;;

of course there is NO WAY to complain about Kame bursting into my life and turning it upside down!! The fact is I'm even thankful for that!! O.o

I don't think I'll do this meme... even though my exams are over I still have a lot of work that has to be done but I'll wait for yours and spam you with comments >.


aratna February 5 2011, 08:59:24 UTC
see... This is why I need to hide myself... You're soo beautiful... (^__^!)

1. Maa... then we'll meet at the meeting-point... wakakakak ^__^
I don't mind speed, as long as I'm the one that driving. It'll be different when I'm on passenger seat... XD
2. Sugoooiii...Me,myself, are still in basic knowledge... Haven't come to the point that use genetic and molecular thing... (so in CSI, I'll be the one dealing with the corpse, autopsy and stuff... XD)
3. Maa.. I'm not that tech person too... But, you're really awesome.. In short time, you can do Photoshop things with gif and stuff... I still have to learn about it... ~__~
4. Jyaa... we'll meet at the afternoon, then...? XD
5. We're soo match... I loooove ice cream, choco and stuff....!!! That's my my weight-loss program is a mess... ~__~


fazlyn_n February 5 2011, 09:10:01 UTC
My dear, its just make up...*nodded furiously*
Have you seen avril lavinge w/o make up?

... )


aratna February 6 2011, 01:43:22 UTC
I wish i can do make up too...
*though I'm boyish most of the time, I'm still girl that want to feel pretty sometimes XDD*

1. then I don't want to be in one car with you or your brother.. I'm still love my dear life.. wakakakkaka XDD
2. hmm... dunno... I still excited with sectioning things... wakakaak^_^
It helps to release my anger feelings.. muahahahah.. *why does it sounds scary.. XDD*
3. Kazu is sugoii then... his effects are enormous... but it's positive anyway... ^__^ I'll try, definitely try the software.. ^__^
5. aah, my weight loss program... *sulking at the corner* maa... just be happy then.. I don't want to be stressfull over a weight loss program... ^__^


jin_no_shitsuji February 5 2011, 10:27:40 UTC
So cute <3333 No, scratch that... you're GORGEOUS <333 join my harem? *kicked puppy look* LOL

And wow... Genetic and Molecular Biology... sounds difficult XD CSI rules <3

I do agree with you on no.4 *nods* I'm not a morning person either XD



fazlyn_n February 5 2011, 10:36:50 UTC
*blushing hard* Its just the make up ~ Harem? Where do I sign in?

How scary how Tv series influence ppl ne...But just look at how KT are influencing us...hahah

Yeay...Another I-hate-morning person!!!


jin_no_shitsuji February 5 2011, 10:42:26 UTC
LOL, it's almost 1pm here and I woke up almost an hour ago XD and happy to be alone in the room so I can listen to KT and K8 <33

I wanted to join the army after seeing Stargate LOL

Make-up or not... <333 for now on my my latest post XD I want to make another post especially for this XD



fazlyn_n February 5 2011, 10:49:56 UTC
Army??? Seriously??? WOW~ I bet I wanted to be a doctor if they shown HOUSE when I'm small...hahaha

Will be waiting for your next post then :)


kazu_chan_love February 5 2011, 10:47:26 UTC
fazlyn-chan so pretty:) with or without a make up

1)oh driving..i am afraid to drive..xD even if im on the right age to get a driver's license i think i would never try to drive..xDD
2)genetic and molecular biology..sugoi it does sounds so hard..xD and yay!! i love CSI as well..xD
3)xD anything for kame-chan ne..:D
4)xD me too...that's why i love weekend!:D
5)*sigh* yeah its all the ice creams and chocolates fault! im never on a diet because of those stuffs too..xDD


fazlyn_n February 5 2011, 10:56:34 UTC
My dear you make me blush *hide behind Kazu*

1)I was also like you. My mom and brother drive me everywhere. But then once I get confidence behing the wheels, I'm unstoppable~~~ LOL

2) It was fun coz I love puzzles so thos genetic code become a puzzle to me. But I hate the lab studies...I'm a ppl person :)

3) Kame-chan so powerful ne...pulling us into those sparkling dazzling world~

4) Yeay to another I-hate-morning person!

5) They are so tempting ne~ How could you say NO~

Will you be posting this meme as well? Would love to read your post *hugs*


kazu_chan_love February 5 2011, 11:08:34 UTC
xD i like to post this meme as well since im not posting anything in my lj for the past few days now

but i dont think ill post a pic of mine..xDD


fazlyn_n February 5 2011, 11:11:01 UTC
Will wait for your post then... :)

... )


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