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Comments 35

moon_catcher September 1 2010, 17:07:05 UTC
You have written ALL of this in two months?? Okay, I'm going to dig myself somewhere no one will find me, ever... ^___^
No, seriously, right now I'm staring at my monitor mouth-opened and totally speechless... I will need more than two months to read it!! I LOVE YOU!!! <3


fazlyn_n September 2 2010, 00:23:29 UTC
Please dont go on hiding... How am I supposed o get my Akame smut fix.... *sobs*
Well, since all my fics are fluff and light, I'm emphasize more on the plot rather than the details... This is one of the reason I can squeeze a drabble or a one-shot during lunch break...>_<

While you beautiful written fics are so expressive, definitely need more time ne!~~~~
I'll be so happy to know what you think of my other fics...:) Happy lurking around...


moon_catcher September 2 2010, 08:40:42 UTC
I'm sure I will LOVE your other fics (as long as your sweet cunning Kame-chan is involved ^__^) I'm going to read them one by one after my school year starts, to calm down after those long study days ^_^ And I'll definitely leave you a comment in every one of them! ~

And a little bait for you..... last night I wrote three pages in one go and the only reason I had to stop was my eyes falling down! I'm sure the shopping fic for you will be very very soon... *hugs*


kazu_chan_love September 1 2010, 21:17:47 UTC
you just write everything in two months..xD

you started with matsukame's fly with me
then now you seems to post 2 or more akame one shots in a day

you're amazing..xD
you can write so fast ne..^^

but thanks for all those fics
you know i love everything you wrote..:D


fazlyn_n September 2 2010, 00:31:56 UTC
I never thought I'll be so engross in fic writing...LOL
Writing Matsukame & Ninokame was so much fun. I really enjoy the Arashi-KT moment...
They open so much possibilities for a fangirl...

As for Akame, they are just love... With Jin's leaving news, I simply believe we need more fluff for this pairing...:)
Since all my fics are fluff, I'm emphasize more on the plots... And I'm the type that once I start writing, the idea come flowing right then and there... I really enjoy this moment...

I hope to improve my writing skill and write more expressive fics. The one that make you grip your blanket and being absorb into the story...Hahaha...that what normally happened to me when the story so overwhelm... >_<

Thanks so much for your support and love since my very first Matsukame till now... Let's spread Kame-love to all...


kazu_chan_love September 2 2010, 13:01:43 UTC
i love and and enjoy ARashi-KT moments too..
and im also enjoying KT-Kis-my-ft2 now after kazu's lost my way..xDD

for akame, yeah i agree they are just love.. i really cant explain but i just love them..xD.. and loving them more and more after watching some old KT vids (but will still not give up my love for kokame..xD)

you are already good in writing
i love the way you write it, so cute
sweet and could brighten the mood.:D

and your really amazing you've already wrote so many fics for two months..:D

when we're busy, sad and stress
writing and reading fanfics can help a lot..xDD

keep writing fanfics..=^.^=


fazlyn_n September 2 2010, 13:17:11 UTC
Hey don't you dare let go of Kokame!!! I do find their friendship are so real... Even when Akame being shipped by mant during their chibi years, I notice Koki have always been close to Kame. I noticed few time that Kame will be in between Koki and Jin.

Sure most of us will be ogling at Akame, but if you look pass through that, you'll see Koki was always loyal at Kame's side. And I'm so grateful for that...:) I really do believe Koki care greatly about the youngest member of don't you give up on Kokame ne~~~~hehehe

I'm so happy knowing I could make others smile by reading my fic...I never thought I'll be holding my LJ name to this extend... MISS SUNSHINE...hahaha

Yup, lets keep writing fanfics and spread the joy to others >_<


yhchan September 2 2010, 08:57:38 UTC
..maji?? two months? guh! i so am embarrassed right now..haha..tsk're a good writer yourself..i really do commend you for that..^^ im no writer so no fic on my page..hahaha *hides*..^^ hmmm..i'll surely read more of your fics..^^and it's so rare to find matsukame pairing..i need to adjust my eccentric love for akame and atleast welcome others..hehe..^^ congratulations ne? you're doing a good job..^^


fazlyn_n September 2 2010, 09:20:05 UTC
I didn't even realized I have this much till I completed this list yesterday... Hahaha

I guess I enjoy writing so much,I didn't noticed the fics have been piling up...>_<

But then again, having Kame as the main character make it so much easy... I have all the love to give to him **blushing**. That's the reason I can pair him with almost any JE idol, except girls **get bricked** Of course Akame & Matsukame have a special spot to me... :)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting dear... The encouragement is definitely LOVE!!!


brindhakrishnan September 2 2010, 11:21:54 UTC
Can I add you to my friends list? You always seem to write funny fluff oneshots. And though it looks like I only love your akame fics alot, I am a closeted matsukame fic reader too. Especially your fics that have video clips to accompany it. And I am a full fledge uchikame shipper anytime.


fazlyn_n September 2 2010, 13:09:00 UTC
I'm adding you to my friends list as well!!!
Eh, you are a Matsukame shipper as well? So happy, I'm overjoy!!! Welcome sboard!!! Hahaha. Thanks so much for reading my Fics...:)

Matsukame such a rare pairing and I do believe we need more of this pair. That was one of the reason I started writing...>_<

But of course Akame is LOVE!!!

As for Uchikame, we seriously need more of this pairing. When I read review and interview of Yamanade, UchiKame pairing is so damn obvious, they need more attention...Hahaha... Will definitely finish up the fic soon...gomene!


brindhakrishnan September 3 2010, 01:22:24 UTC
Thanks!! xDDD Oh and I hope I didn't make you feel bad about writing your Uchikame story, do take your time writing them. But I know what you mean, I really do love uchikame but it seems like there is not much love for them on LJ ne. I too shall try and see if I can contribute somehow to it! xDD But you always keep writing ones shots anyhow and those really do keep me atleast entertain. And somehow you have a whole list of different xxx/Kame pairings. I am amazed. lol

A very low key Matsukame fan. When Kame was younger, there seems to be more Matsukame interactions, now not so ne... :/

I am a huge Kame fan, maybe that is why I love seeing him paired up with everyone. And he seems like a brat amongst Kat-tun bullying Nakamaru and having Koki doing anything for him but one of those juniors who respects and is intimidated by his seniors.


fazlyn_n September 4 2010, 06:43:16 UTC
No...of course not... I never consider abandon the fic. I love Uchikame and wanted to have at least a fic on them. It just I got caught with my other pairing I forgot about them. I did received few new comment on the 2nd chapter and was totally schocked realizing I've forgotten about it...GOMENE!!

I'm exactly like you... I'm a Kame-centric. I can paired him with almost anyone. But I have few pairing closest to my heart of course...hahaha. Even though I love KAT-TUN to bits, but I only read Kame fics. As long as the fic have Kame, I'll be lurking around...:)

I'm interested to try Kame with his Juniors as well since he can be such a flirt with them. But I don't know much about Johnny Juniors to write on it... Need to do more research...


nozo_rin September 2 2010, 17:54:15 UTC
Whoa........ You wrote all this in JUST two months?! (I only wrote 3 and that was from december and feburary? Maybe even longer!!! )
Crazy fangirl, I salute you!!! :D
Will be stalking your Akame fics~!!! And don't worry I'll comment on each one when I'm done reading them XD

I feel bad that my first comment on your journal was like forcing you to make a ficlist! DX But you DEFINITELY look like a writer who's been writing more than just two months >:D


fazlyn_n September 4 2010, 06:49:39 UTC
I know, I know... I'm loosing my mind over them...hahahaha
This is my first time flailing over Idols and I'm falling hard! Kame is too much for me...>_< I never write fanfic before and here I am with such a long list of fics...Hahahaah

Don't feel bad about the comment. Thanks to you, now I have my very own FICLIST... Will update this monthly :)

Thanks for the support and all those kind comments...Happy lurking around!!!


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