Title: Gimmie the Night Pairing: Taecyeon/OC Rating: R Genre: Romance/Friendship Disclaimer: I do not own Taecyeon or 2pm (although I wish) just the storyline and fictional character.
Title: Gimmie the Night Pairing: Taecyeon/OC Rating: R Genre: Romance/Friendship Disclaimer: I do not own Taecyeon or 2pm (although I wish) just the storyline and fictional character.
Title: Gimmie the Night Pairing: Taecyeon/OC Rating: R (to be safe) Genre: Romance/Friendship Disclaimer: I do not own Taecyeon or 2pm (although I wish) just the storyline and fictional character.
Title: Gimmie the Night
Pairing: Taecyeon/OC
Rating: R
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Disclaimer: I do not own Taecyeon or 2pm (although I wish) just the storyline and fictional character.
Title: Gimmie the Night Pairing: Taecyeon/OC Rating: R Genre: Romance/Friendship Disclaimer: I do not own Taecyeon or 2pm (although I wish) just the storyline and fictional character.