Title: Such A Good Horse Author: faynia Fandom: Merlin Pairing: Arthur/Elena Word Count: 1366 Rating: NC-17 Summary: PWP. They have sex on a horse. A/N: For grapecase.
For me? *pokes* You need to stop spoiling me. It's making me rotten :-P
It's still magnificent. Of course they'd get it on a horse. Poor horsey though. And I will forever be amused by poking at his brow and thinking that Arthur doesn't appreciate that a marriage has two people :-D
Arthur doesn't think before he opens his mouth. I'm sure somewhere in his mind he realizes all these important things, but they never ever get vocalized in any good way.
I've never come across Elena/Arthur/Horsey before, and it.is.wonderful! Now, this appears to be your only E/A/H, so perhaps you could give me a shove in the direction of others? Oh, sure, we can leave Horsey to wander off, much to its relief - just Elena and Arthur will more than make me happy. ♥
I'll second the link given to you by grapecase. I haven't seen a lot of Arthur/Elena in any sense, which is sad, but I can probably find you Elena/Vivian, Elena/Gwaine, etc. if you want them.
Comments 16
It's still magnificent. Of course they'd get it on a horse. Poor horsey though. And I will forever be amused by poking at his brow and thinking that Arthur doesn't appreciate that a marriage has two people :-D
Arthur doesn't think before he opens his mouth. I'm sure somewhere in his mind he realizes all these important things, but they never ever get vocalized in any good way.
I know. I know the poor baby *pets his head*
Very entertaining!!
Also she's working on another Arthur/Elena. You should TOTALLY poke at her to get on it.
I'll second the link given to you by grapecase. I haven't seen a lot of Arthur/Elena in any sense, which is sad, but I can probably find you Elena/Vivian, Elena/Gwaine, etc. if you want them.
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