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Aug 15, 2011 03:19

WaTaRu aIn't

WaTaRu wEnT HoMe.
MoThErFuCkEr pRoBaBlY HaD LiKe aLl sOrTs oF ShIt tO ClEaR ThErE.
FuCkIn sHiTtOn oF ViOlInS To mAkE FoR PeEpS ThErE.
It's cOoL.
He'lL Be bAcK WhEn hE'S Up aNd dOnE.
I'M SuRe oF It!
ShIt, He aLwAyS CoMeS BaCk.
I'M SuRe iT WoN'T AlL Be tOo fUcKiN LoNg.
I'M SuRe |

✩ IC, watalusus, sad clown, want goatdad, mad rad quadrant drama

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Comments 130

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[TEXT] faygot August 15 2011, 01:55:18 UTC
GoT It.
He dOnE AlL CaMe bAcK LaSt tImE, yEaH?
It'lL Be oKaY.
I'M OkAy.


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[TEXT] [1/2] faygot August 15 2011, 01:59:59 UTC
ThAt's lIkE AlL WhAt fUcKiN BeSt fRiEnDs aRe fOr, YeAh?


witch_of_life August 15 2011, 02:13:29 UTC
Don't let it make you flounder, Gamsea.
Everyt)(ing will turn out okay.


faygot August 15 2011, 02:20:17 UTC
SoRrY, sIs.
JuSt hAvInG ReAl fUcKiN PrObLeMs hErE SeEiNg tHe mOtHeRfUcKiN MiRtH.


witch_of_life August 15 2011, 02:35:39 UTC
T)(at's stupid.
T)(ere's always good t)(ings to be seaing!
Just swim around a little.


faygot August 15 2011, 02:37:16 UTC
I KnOw, I KnOw.
JuSt hArD To sEe tHe mIrAcLeS RiGhT NoW.
LiKe tHeY DoNe wEnT AnD HiD On mE.


yerawizarderri August 15 2011, 02:40:51 UTC
im sure hell be back
wwat cant stick his nose in other peoples business if he isnt here
so dont wworry im plenty sure you wwont be wwithout your moirail for long

[Eridan's trying to be comforting! He's trying.]

but i uh
if you wwanna i guess talk about it or anythin i wwont be completely opposed to listenin to anythin you havve to say
or wwhatevver


faygot August 15 2011, 03:02:15 UTC
AiN'T HiS FuCkIn fAuLt hIs sNiFfNoDe wEnT PlAcEs, YeAh?
It jUsT AlL GoT ThE BeSt oF HiM SoMeTiMeS.
He dIdN'T AlL GeT HaRsH WiTh nObOdY If hE DiDn't uP AnD ThInK It wErE ImPoRtAnT.
AnD ThAnKs, BrO.
YoU'Re a rEaL FrIeNd.


yerawizarderri August 15 2011, 03:07:50 UTC
eerrr i didnt mean any offense by it
i knoww he had his vvascular organ in the right place
and he definitely didnt do more harm than good in it
i guess im just tryin to say that i hope his little vvacation back to wwhere evver the fuck hes from isnt too long
and uh wwell no problem i do wwhat i can
and youre a good friend too i guess


faygot August 15 2011, 03:26:21 UTC
We sHoUlD AlL SlAm uS A FaYgO SoMe tImE, bRoThEr.
PaRtAkE In tHe wIcKeD ElIxIr aNd gEt tO Be mOrE LiKe bRoS AgAiN.
BuT MaYbE NoT NoW.
CaN'T AlL Be tHiNkIn' I'M MuCh oF A MoThErFuCkIn' HoSt aT HeRe nOw.


you didnt see that html fail tokinohime August 15 2011, 03:42:29 UTC
im sure that it wont be long at all
hell be back!
just like the rest of them will be back :)

are you going to be okay gamzee?


but I have the email as proof. faygot August 15 2011, 03:57:06 UTC
HeY SiS.
SoRrY We dIdN'T AlL GeT To sPeAk nOnE BeFoRe. GoOd yOu'rE AlL BaCk.
AnD YeAh, He'lL Be bAcK.
He dOnE FuCkIn pRoMiSeD Me tHaT AnD He aIn't aLl tHe mOtHeRfUcKeR To bReAk tHaT KiNdA ShIt.


[text] hexywitch August 15 2011, 04:01:02 UTC
You lost a friend recently? That seems to happen a lot around here.


[text] faygot August 15 2011, 04:11:20 UTC
MoRe tHaN JuSt a fUcKiN FrIeNd.
LoSt mY MoThErFuCkIn mOiRaIl.


[text] hexywitch August 15 2011, 04:19:48 UTC

Someone special to you, then.


[text] faygot August 15 2011, 04:27:52 UTC
SoRrY, cAn't aLl eXpLaIn sTuFf rIgHt nOw.
It's lIkE... a mOtHeRfUcKeR WhO Is aLl tHeRe tO Be hElPiNg yOu bAlAnCe.
KeEp yOu sAfE.
KeEp aLl yOuR PeEpS SaFe.
AnD MiNe dOnE WeNt hOmE.


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