Primeval drabble: Safe Haven (Kept verse)

Nov 26, 2012 19:23

Title: Safe Haven

Disclaimer: I do not own Primeval.

A/N: The next in the Kept drabble verse. LOL, plot in 100 increments takes so much longer than I ever imagined! Thank you for still reading :)

Summary: Stephen learns where they are.


“This is one of the few safe haven left,” Helen explained.

They were on an observation deck, watching the rain as it pattered against the desolate terrain.

“What is this?” Stephen asked, not flinching when her fingers tickled his hair.

“The ARC, of course,” she said.

Stephen froze.

“They built this place to control the anomalies,” she continued. “It’s practically impenetrable.”

Stephen looked at the walls with new wonder.

“Lucky for them,” she mused. “The rest of the world...not so much.”

Stephen suppressed a shudder. Outside, the rain was unrelenting.

“They saved themselves,” she said, “and condemned everyone else.”

primeval, kept, drabble, fic

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