Because according to the "public" morality and "wisdom" children aren't supposed to be sexual. And especially not with members of their own sex.
Don't forget, it's actually part of the *official* checklist for kids having been abused that knowing the *proper* names (penis, vagina, etc) is considered evidence of possible abuse (no, I'm *not* kidding). At least it's merely considered "suggestive" rathert than definite.
And for that matter, oral sex at that age is just a bit unusual. That's *not* the sort of things kids come up with on their own. Masturbating is one thing. But blow jobs? It's rather likely that they at least *saw* someone older doing it.
This is worse than the cops being called in to deal with a Kindergartener having a tantrum. And I heard that she was black, which it now makes sense why they brought the cops in. (Dumb racists) Doubtless they thought she's break her tippy cup and cut someone's throat with it.
Oh yeah, almost forgot. In just about every state, the laws would *require* notifying the police of *any* sex involving minors. Period. Especially if the person discovering it is a doctor, teacher or any of a number of other professions.
These laws exist because of a few too many well-publicized cases of child abuse that weren't reported and led to bad results.
Mind you, I don't think that the "must report" laws work much better than the old way, but like so many other things, society decided to make hard and fast rules rather than accept that when human judgement is involved, there *will* be mistakes.
So now the mistakes that get made are investigations that mess up families and kids because the investigators tend to lean towards guilty until proven innocent (and they are somewhat forced to by both the law and the risk to themselves if they 'miss' a real case of abuse)
I think one of the major reasons so many kids get molested can be explained by who they're being molested by... priests and parents, mostly. Over 90% of kids are molested by either one of these groups.
SO here's the solution: let priests get married, and lose the social stigma against prostitution and adultery. Because it's quite obvious to me that, with rape being a way males in the wild (who can't find a willing mate) to mate, the rape numbers would drop drastically if prostitution and adultery were fully allowed. Though the men should be talking with the women, and the women in the marriage should be having sex with their husbands more often. Because like Ron White said, "If you don't pet me once and a while, I'll stray." Men who, for whatever social or environmental reason, cannot get laid in any other way are the majority of the people molesting their kids. So it's not that they're pedophiles, but that they're stuck in these crap situations and instincts take over.
Alas, it's parents, *relatives* and "family friends". Not just parents. And it's priests, teachers, and other adults in charge of children.
They really *are* attracted to sex with kids. It's not merely getting sex where they can find it. They will *turn down* sex with appropriate age partners in favor of kids. Or at least "enough" will. I knew one.
The priests are a special case, but they are a rather
Comments 30
Don't forget, it's actually part of the *official* checklist for kids having been abused that knowing the *proper* names (penis, vagina, etc) is considered evidence of possible abuse (no, I'm *not* kidding). At least it's merely considered "suggestive" rathert than definite.
And for that matter, oral sex at that age is just a bit unusual. That's *not* the sort of things kids come up with on their own. Masturbating is one thing. But blow jobs? It's rather likely that they at least *saw* someone older doing it.
I was getting and recieving blow jobs at age 10.
And those kids were 6, which, in terms of maturity, is a *lot* younger.
On the other hand, the parents upset that the kids weren't *punished* are so far out of line that it isn't funny.
With the fluids falling out of their brain!
I haven't read something that made my eye twitch every sentence in a long time...
*kicks them* >
*Beats the living snot out of those idiots.*
This is worse than the cops being called in to deal with a Kindergartener having a tantrum. And I heard that she was black, which it now makes sense why they brought the cops in. (Dumb racists) Doubtless they thought she's break her tippy cup and cut someone's throat with it.
These laws exist because of a few too many well-publicized cases of child abuse that weren't reported and led to bad results.
Mind you, I don't think that the "must report" laws work much better than the old way, but like so many other things, society decided to make hard and fast rules rather than accept that when human judgement is involved, there *will* be mistakes.
So now the mistakes that get made are investigations that mess up families and kids because the investigators tend to lean towards guilty until proven innocent (and they are somewhat forced to by both the law and the risk to themselves if they 'miss' a real case of abuse)
SO here's the solution: let priests get married, and lose the social stigma against prostitution and adultery. Because it's quite obvious to me that, with rape being a way males in the wild (who can't find a willing mate) to mate, the rape numbers would drop drastically if prostitution and adultery were fully allowed. Though the men should be talking with the women, and the women in the marriage should be having sex with their husbands more often. Because like Ron White said, "If you don't pet me once and a while, I'll stray." Men who, for whatever social or environmental reason, cannot get laid in any other way are the majority of the people molesting their kids.
So it's not that they're pedophiles, but that they're stuck in these crap situations and instincts take over.
They really *are* attracted to sex with kids. It's not merely getting sex where they can find it. They will *turn down* sex with appropriate age partners in favor of kids. Or at least "enough" will. I knew one.
The priests are a special case, but they are a rather
Also, there are female child molestors.
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