In my Lyria fantasy universe, I love mocking popular tropes. A recent episode of Game of Thrones inspired me to mock the White Savior trope. I don't have any ideas about how to do it, though. So if anyone has any ideas they'd like to run by me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance
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Comments 4
Oh, right She-jesus, if you haven't read Trout Cave's Lit Brick
This on top of anybody correcting people on the pronounciation of "Jesus"... "It is pronounced [like] 'Hey-zeus'!"
I tend to have it look just casual and accepted in any of my works... as I'm aware the reader at home is more than intelligent to note how this is wild different and weird.
Though I think that is part of how my writing gets so surreal and weird compared to others.
Similar to how Alanis Mourisette is God... and plays her in the movie Dogma. Just walks around, carefree, and generally ignoring the stuff around her, until something small irritates her.
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