Title: Performance Review
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: G
Word count: 983
AN: This is a long overdue drabble for
purple_dolphin9 . So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry that it has taken me this long to get to it… but here it is. Hope you like it!
Performance Review )
Comments 6
Yes, nice.... Jack's reflections on his team are nicely done...
You give good pressies!
and finally I got this and I'm pretty happy with it this way :)
Thanks for the comment!
And your trip/archer (preggers) drabble is up next. I HOPE to get to it pretty quickly, but we'll see. never fear though... you WILL get it.
Glad you liked this :)
and it hurt my feelings when I saw the preview and heard "trust me, Im the doctor" come out of someone other than David Tennent.
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