Fic: Broken Transporter-Day 22 of Sex on the Fly Rated R

Jun 22, 2009 22:07

Broken Transporter-Day 22 of Sex on the Fly

Rating: R for sexual content

Word count: 1,640

Genre: First time/ Episode Tag

Spoilers: Quarantine

Disclaimer: They’re not mine; I’m just playing with them.

Summary: He’d had Rodney right then, he could have lied, he could have played Rodney’s insecurities and made him break it off with Katie, but John wasn’t that guy.

John looked down at the box in his hand; Rodney was going to propose to Katie, if he did, then John’s chances would be over. He couldn’t very well tell Rodney not to do it, but he wanted to. He wanted to tell him that Katie couldn’t give him what John could.

“Well I’ll buy you a beer later and we can celebrate,” John said, not meaning a word of it.

He felt his heart sink when Rodney walked out of the room.

“John,” Teyla said softly as she entered the room.

“I’m sorry, Teyla,” John said quickly. “I gotta go.” He rushed past her and out of the lab. He bound down the stairs two at a time and rounded the corner just as Rodney was approaching the transporter.

“Rodney!” he called.

Rodney turned and waved at him. “What’s up?” he asked happily.

“Rodney,” John said out of breath. “Are you sure about this? I mean, I know how you can sometimes make quick decisions.”

Rodney looked confused. “You think I’m not ready.” He gasped, “No, you’ve heard something, haven’t you? Katie’s going to break up with me and you’re trying to keep me from looking like a fool.”

“No, Rodney. I haven’t heard anything.” He sighed, “I shouldn’t have said anything, I’m sorry. Go ahead, Rodney.” John kicked himself when Rodney stepped onto the transporter. He’d had Rodney right then, he could have lied, he could have played Rodney’s insecurities and made him break it off with Katie, but John wasn’t that guy.

“Wait,” John said and stepped onto the transporter. “I’ll ride down with you, I- uh, I promised Dr. Parrish that he could show me this new plant he found,” he lied.

“Okay,” Rodney said. His finger pressed the dot for the transporter nearest the botany labs but nothing happened. He pressed the dot again and an alarm sounded.

“What the…” John said looking around.

“Oh god,” Rodney said, “That was the quarantine lockdown alarm.

“There’s an outbreak?”

“Well, there seems to be. I bet it’s whatever that plant is that Parrish brought back. Those Botanists, they never think before they bring potentially life threatening flora into the city,” Rodney ranted as he pulled open a tray in the wall.

“Rodney,” John said quietly. “There is no plant.”

“What? You said you pr-”

“I lied,” John told him.

“Why would you do that?” Rodney cleared his throat and rubbed at the front of his neck.

“Because, I wanted to…”

Rodney coughed and leaned against the wall.

“Are you alright?” John asked.

“It never fails! I’m always the first one to get sick.”

“Rodney, you’re alright, you aren’t sick.” John said and put his hands on Rodney’s shoulders. “You’re just worried, and claustrophobic. It’s going to be alright, the city locks down to keep it from spreading. Whatever it is probably hasn’t come this far.”

“Yeah, but who knows where this transporter car was before it came here. Maybe we caused the lockdown by opening the transporter door.”

“Rodney, the door was open for a few minutes before the alarm sounded.”

“Maybe it took time for the city to sense it.”

“That doesn’t happen,” John said and hoped he was right.

“It happened when we all had that memory loss disease.”

“The city didn’t see that as a threat,” John told him. “Calm down, Rodney, we’re going to be alright. I’m not sick.”

“You will be. Being stuck in closed quarters with me isn’t the best situation to be in during quarantine.”

John shook his head. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” he said softly.


John took a deep breath and decided to bite the bullet. At least Rodney couldn’t walk away without listening to what he had to say. “I didn’t come down here to go to the botany lab. Parrish didn’t bring anything back for me to look at. I came because-”

“You did hear something about Katie!”

“No, Rodney, this has nothing to do with Katie.”

“What then?”

“It’s me.”

“What?” Rodney sounded frustrated now.

“I don’t want you to marry Katie, because then you’d be off the market. I guess… I guess I always hoped you’d see for yourself.”

“See what, John?”

“Me, Rodney. I like you.”


“I like you… like that. I have since the beginning; I just wanted you to figure it out on your own. I didn’t want to say anything in case you weren’t interested. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”

“Why now?” Rodney asked softly.

“Because, you were going to propose to Katie, she’d say yes because she likes you too, and I’d have lost my chance. I realized it was worth potentially messing up our friendship to find out if you were interested. And I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting my lost opportunity and wondering what if.”


“It’s okay, regardless what you feel. I just… I just needed you to know before you proposed to her.”

“You should have-”

“I’ll still be your best friend. I’ll stand beside you on your wedding day.” John knew interrupting Rodney wouldn’t do anything but piss him off, but he wasn’t ready to hear what Rodney would say.

“John,” Rodney began and when John opened his mouth to interrupt him again, Rodney pushed him back against the wall and kissed him. Thrusting his tongue into John’s mouth like there was no tomorrow.

John’s brain froze and he stood there with his eyes open, Rodney’s tongue moving inside his slack mouth. Then it all clicked, and he pulled Rodney as tight to him as possible and kissed him, pushing his tongue deep into Rodney’s mouth.

Rodney pulled away but John moved forward, refusing the let the kiss break.

Rodney put his hands on John’s shoulders and pushed him against the wall, and pulled his head back.

“What I was trying to say,” Rodney began, “was that you should have told me sooner. I’ve wanted you since I saw you in Antarctica. I didn’t do anything about it because you never showed any signs that you liked anything but women. You flirted with every female alien we encountered. If I had known, I wouldn’t have wasted all this time with Katie. Although, it’s probably best that I didn’t know when I had Cadman in my mind.” He sighed and took his hands off John’s shoulders. “I’m just glad you told me before I proposed to Katie.”

“So…” John said, “You’re saying that-”

“I’m saying,” Rodney interrupted him this time, “That I like you too… like that. We could have been having hot sex on a regular basis for the past four years, but we were both to ignorant to see it.”

“Well, there’s nothing stopping us now.”

“You’re absolutely right,” Rodney said and pressed his hips forward.

John’s ears pricked when he felt the hard ridge of Rodney’s erection pressing into his hip. He pushed his hands between their bodies and started fumbling with Rodney’s pants.

Rodney pulled back enough to give John the room he needed, and he started unbuttoning John’s pants as well.

They pushed their pants to their knees and their hips were drawn together like magnets.  John put his hands on Rodney’s hips and Rodney’s hands were curled around John’s biceps. They pressed their mouths together again as they began thrusting against one another.

Rodney’s erection was directly beside John’s and they were sliding against one another. John broke the kiss and rolled his head back against the transporter wall. He closed his eyes and sighed as he pulled Rodney’s hips closer. He’d wanted this for so long, and Rodney’s life changing decision had finally given him the courage to seek it out. Although, John didn’t think the hollow feeling he’d gotten in his stomach when Rodney showed him that ring counted as courage, more like frantic desperation, but he didn’t care. Whatever it was, it ended with him and Rodney half naked and rubbing off on each other in a nonfunctioning transporter.

Rodney grunted and thrust harder against John, and John sped up his hips in response. He’d been waiting for this so long and now that he had it, he knew he wasn’t going to last long. He could already feel the heat bubbling in his stomach.

He sunk his fingers into Rodney’s hips and groaned, slamming his lips onto Rodney’s again.

Rodney’s fingers tightened around John’s arms as they kissed, then John felt heat spreading against the outside of his stomach. The feel of Rodney’s come on his skin being spread between them as they both continued thrusting against each other set off John’s orgasm and he pulled Rodney tighter against him and came. He came hard and heavy, it felt like he was never going to stop, like years of come was pouring out of him. He groaned and loosened his grip on Rodney’s hips. He swallowed dryly and exhaled a long breath through his nose.

“Damn, John,” Rodney said softly and rested his forehead on John’s shoulder. “It’s a crime that we waited so long to do that.”

John nodded and kissed Rodney behind the ear. “Yeah,” he breathed. “And it’s only going to get better.”

They were silent for a long while, wrapped in each other’s arms, heedless of the sticky come cooling between them, completely sated.

“How long do you think it’ll take to get the outbreak under control?” John asked.

Rodney shrugged. “Who knows? But if we’re stuck in here until we both die, either of suffocation or whatever disease is running rampant through the city… I can’t think of a better way to spend our last hours than making up for lost time.”

John nodded, he couldn’t agree more. He leaned forward and kissed Rodney, feeling his dick begin to stir again. It may take awhile for it to stand up again, but they had time. Even if they were rescued in the next few minutes, they still had time. They had the rest of their lives.


prompt, sex on the fly, r, fic, mcshep, slash

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