Stop Separating the Artist From the Art! TW: child abuse, rape, genocide.

Jun 30, 2014 03:08

A few weeks ago, I was treated to a very rude awakening with regards to an author that greatly influenced me as a teenager. ( Cut for TW: child abuse, rape, genocide. )

therealljidol, week 13, tw, blog type post, irl issues, books, s9, open topic, non fiction

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Comments 27

kehlen June 30 2014, 12:06:35 UTC
I am sorry for your loss of esteem for someone who appears to have been important to you.

I have also seen someone who'd appeared honorable reveal himself as a jealous dirty old man ("thankfully", nothing as horrible as this writer) and I wouldn't wish the feelings of loss, hurt and even hatred on anyone.


favoritebean July 1 2014, 08:40:12 UTC
Thank you. I'm sorry you had to deal with that man's atrocious behavior. That sounds terrible.

Unrelated, but your icon is super cool. I wish she had been featured in the series more.


kehlen July 1 2014, 11:05:18 UTC
Yes, she kind of disappears in the later episodes of ToS and it's a pity, I like her, too.


roina_arwen June 30 2014, 16:33:10 UTC
I had no idea about MZB. It makes me wonder if she wrote strong characters because of her failings as a mother and protector, if they were strong because she couldn't be.


favoritebean July 1 2014, 08:50:07 UTC
You bring up an interesting point. It's entirely possible that her characters were ideal archetypes of what she personally wanted to be. After all, it's not uncommon for people to create an ideal version themselves or someone close to them and insert them into a story.

On the other hand, I peeked in on some comments at another forum a few days ago, and people are deconstructing some of the passages from 'Darkover' (I didn't read that series) and 'Mists of Avalon.' Some of the passages discuss in a subtle fashion the sexuality of that story's setting. Seeing those passages with the context of what was going on at that time paints a completely different scene to me now. In some respects, the clues were right there in the text. 'The Fall of Atlantis' might be the most revealing of stories, since it deals with a very underage relationship.


belleweather June 30 2014, 19:02:42 UTC
I have such a hard time with this -- on one hand, I think it's important that I not expect my heroes to be saints and to be able to appreciate the good in their work while pushing back on their retrograde ideas in other places. On the other hand, what MZB did is beyond a line for me, and into active collaboration and assistance with evil. And I still won't read a damn thing by Steven Brust because I know what a shithead he is. So uh... internal consistency, not so much apparently.


postingwhore July 1 2014, 13:12:28 UTC
What did Steven Brust do?


favoritebean July 2 2014, 09:03:41 UTC
Right. It's that crossing of the line that just makes me wonder why on earth would anyone think this was okay. When I first read the news a few weeks ago, the only thing I could come up with was that evil was not a mere concept, and that it existed in Berkeley.

I really hope that those abused can begin the healing process, and I really hope that those who sat idly and watched the whole thing will be brought to justice.

Admittedly, I know very little about Steven Brust. If you feel comfortable sharing about him, please do. Either here, or via PM.


belleweather July 2 2014, 13:51:25 UTC
Steve isn't evil, he's just not a very nice guy at all in ways that touch me personally. He used to hit on my girlfriend in front of me and seems to have an attitude like he's entitled to the best of everything (sex, booze, etc.) just because he's a published author. He's just a jackass, which is a pretty severe contrast between being just a garden variety jerk and MZB.


northernwalker July 1 2014, 01:24:54 UTC
I was a big fan of her books, and in some ways they've shaped my spirituality. Discovering this made me feel a bit like I just woke up and found out my religious leader was an abusive cultist. It's very painful.

I can't read her books right now. I don't know if I ever will again. I don't watch Woody Allen movies, or Roman Polanski's stuff. I can't separate when it's something like this.


favoritebean July 1 2014, 08:32:52 UTC
I never thought of it that way, but the religion/cultist analogy actually makes sense. After reading the Breendoggle (which was written before MZB was in the picture), that whole world really did seem like a cult. It makes everything I've heard about MLA conventions seem tame by comparison.

I don't know if I can read her stuff again either. Truthfully, I hadn't read her works in years. Thankfully, there are so many good books to read, and well, non Polanski/Allen/Anderson movies out there.



kickthehobbit July 1 2014, 04:22:53 UTC
♥ for:

I will applaud the performances of people who have not stomped on the inherent worth of others, but have instead dedicated themselves to hard work in their craft. I choose to help create a world for our students and their children, so that they can create art freely with respect for each other. So should you.

Preach it!


favoritebean July 2 2014, 09:04:14 UTC


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