A reviewer recently accused me of creating a “Mary Sue” character in my Supernatural tie-in COYOTE’S KISS. For those who don’t know what that means, a “Mary Sue” is a too-perfect wish-fulfillment character that represents the author’s own idealized persona
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Comments 13
By the way, I saw that reviewer only has two reviews on Amazon. Both are for Supernatural books, and both are only one star. Heh.
If I don't find the character attractive, I can't expect the reader to find him or her attractive. Same with if they're supposed to find the character revolting.
Oh, and fuck 'em ;) x
Of course most of the time, the characters being drooled, fondled, and preyed upon are female, beardless, and at least thirty years younger than the author. In which case, you're either John Updike or Philip Roth.
And it's still, I have to say, rather creepy. In your case, seeing as we share similar taste, I'll let it pass.
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For my mainstream works, I have one character that may seem like a CILF, but I didn't take that attitude with her. I respected her too much to treat her that way.
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