Being Rich... How loaded do ya have to be to ride out the busts with impunety.. Hey, does that word have a "G" in it ? Like " Impugne" No ? What do I care. I got writter's block. Again. SO ANNOYING ! Hopefully it will be gone by the 22nd and our solstice apogee.
Given our history would it not be better to accept cycles of boom and bust ? Perhaps it is unavoidable. So ... we just ride the waves out. Since I was born the cycles go on and on.... I can't see how we are supposed to avoid these cycles.
International terrorism: Kidnapping to win friends and influence people. (1974). Part of RAND's contribution to the Golden Age Of Hijacking The Hudson institute, bastion of the cold war no longer exists. Watching Adam Curtis's Pandora's box. Glory glory what a hell of a way to die ! STUPID. REALLY REALLY STUPID but we never neutron bombed Saigon.