So I've pieced together a rough image/cover pic for my yet to be penned SGA story (also pairing yet to be decided, we've got the options of gen, McShep & McKay/MaleOC or McKay/Female OC)
Its nowhere near as pretty as I wanted, so I shall hunt for better photos and the such and try and improve my completely inadequate photo manip skills.
Also, the title is likely to change, I kinda like the idea of 'Something wicked this way comes'... but it seems a little ott??
I kinda wish I'd left a little bit of colour in Sheppard and McKay (top left)
As for the other characters, the male is named Yante, but he'd supposed to be a bit older (actually being an Ancient so like thousands of years old), but I kinda like the idea of looking young but being old...
The pretty lady in the corner, (whose showing us a bit too much...?) is Karrai, also older than she appears but not as much so as Yante. Rodney is the latest addition to their 'group'.
God I want to write this so much, but it would be epic and I dont think I could do it justice.... *sigh*